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My grandparents on the Duck side farmed - raised 3 children during the depression. Gpa did it all - cured hams and bacon, pressed and fermented his own ciders, saved and shelled out black walnuts and made their own soap. He paid for a rick of split and seasoned hickory wood every year. He smoked meat with it in the Fall, then collected and saved the hickory ash to leach the caustic out of it to make the next year's batch of soap. In the Fall right after hog slaughter and rendering, soap was made. Cider was usually about ready then, so we got a first taste of that then also.

https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/735634/6f9059ce-2fbf-491b-ba9f-9e5ef90a718c#cmnts >My grandparents on the Duck side farmed - raised 3 children during the depression. Gpa did it all - cured hams and bacon, pressed and fermented his own ciders, saved and shelled out black walnuts and made their own soap. He paid for a rick of split and seasoned hickory wood every year. He smoked meat with it in the Fall, then collected and saved the hickory ash to leach the caustic out of it to make the next year's batch of soap. In the Fall right after hog slaughter and rendering, soap was made. Cider was usually about ready then, so we got a first taste of that then also.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3mo

Reads like a LARP