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Marble Sculpture: "Release from Deception" - Francesco Queirolo

> Marble Sculpture: "Release from Deception" - Francesco Queirolo

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts 1y

every time my wife and I go to the museums - mostly art museums, we have to take a moment to reflect that the pieces we see are anywhere from 1000 to 3500 years old - incredible to consider the columnar structures were not only cut by hand but surfaced within microns. Once we get to the 'indigenous' sections, no matter the circa-bank, it's always a grass doll or bone jewelry. Romans had functioning indoor plumbing and aqueducts that spanned miles and yet, era's later, niggers still have only mudhuts.

[–] 5 pts 1y

And were carrying water in bucket over their heads up until some nigger went to White people's land and "discovered" the wheel and drum barrow invented by the White man.

[–] 4 pts 1y

and to add - those handcut columns were stone-cold marble, too; cut, leveled, and stacked...

the wheel notwithstanding, Whites also installed pumps within villages that and to the water source... these fucking jigaboo's owe modern existence to Whites... should've let evolution stamp 'em out.

[–] 3 pts 1y

Maybe we could've just treated them like the flora and fauna. You wouldn't bring a lion or even a giraffe into your peaceful society.

[–] 5 pts 1y (edited 1y)

I think it's amazing they could carve realistic rope and sheer fabric illusions into marble and that really shows the Roman intellect.

[–] 3 pts 1y

Why would you appreciate this when you could be looking at a banana duct taped to a wall or shit in a breakfast bowl? You need to understand the intentions and meaning of the piece. The only intention and meaning in that piece is white racism.

[–] 0 pt 1y

So where is the negative point?

[–] 3 pts 1y

I challenge any of you to try and carve some rudimentary object from marble. A sculpture like this is borderline impossible. I'm quite surprised there were no breaks in the carving of the net. Incredible craftsmanship

[–] 4 pts 1y

They didn't just use hammers and chisels, but also files.

It still is a magnificent work of art.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 1y

https://pic8.co/sh/ugy5Mg.jpgskull bead 16th century Finial of chaplet, made of ivory in France. About the size of your finger nail.

[–] 1 pt 1y

>Humana Imbecillitati Not only do they taunt you with their incredible skill, they have no qualms about calling you weak and retarded for not being on their level. They don't make them like that anymore...

[–] 1 pt 1y

I'm sure it's a matter of time before some "workers" destroy it.