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[–] 0 pt (edited )

See what you've done here is taken his vague statements, combined them with your worldview, and since it's possible to interpret them to match, you've decided he has The Real Truth.

If you start out believing in magic, his words are about literal magic. If you start out believing in angels and demons, they're about the devil. If you believe in economic control he's talking about how money is made to change hands.

God willing I will never be "ready" to be so easily deceived by such a trite trick.

Here's what it might look like if he weren't a shyster:

I am a rothchild. We hide our money in anonymous numbered accounts at national banks and control the world through a mixture of blackmail, extortion, and legitimate control of businesses. Bank of America accounts 10020349000 through 10020350000 hold the slush funds we're going to use to control the next election. (Biden will win again.) Trump isn't our puppet but most members of his cabinet are. No president has real political power.

See, it would address key issues clearly and directly and make provable statements and/or predictions.

Instead we get:

May I enquire as to your medical difficulties, Future Viewer?

Here is what Catherine Fitts said, of some value perhaps:

"Those who win in a rigged game get stupid." -- Catherine Austin Fitts, assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during >the first Bush administration

Actually she said "Rigged contests render the contestants stupid" Or something of that >nature.

How true, Future Viewer. Have you learned anything along with all the bumps, bruises and >scrapes life has so unfairly tossed your way? Would you have preferred instead the >pampered life, leaving the difficulties to your spawn?

Oh, the humanity!

That steaming pile of shite could be saying anything about anything.

[–] 0 pt

It is vague to you; it is not vague to me.

Nobody is talking about the supernatural here -- you're injecting that in place of a lack of understanding. You are obviously not ready right now, and I welcome you to return when you are.

[–] 0 pt

Well thank you for welcoming me to return. If this were your home or private club I would even take it seriously.

[–] 0 pt

You’re kind of funny :)

I understand what you’re saying, and I too am skeptical of his claim.

However, his lack of substance isn’t necessarily proof he isn’t part of the Rothschild Family. It’s possible, one way or the other. Nathan Rothschild is in the public eye, and he’s not too bright. Or at least he acts that way.