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https://nitter.net/arthur_affect/status/1347119992462970880 https://twitter.com/arthur_affect/status/1347119992462970880 [Must be nice to have special privileges on twatter.](https://files.catbox.moe/kb9c46.png)

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 7 pts

Looks like this faggot is also a pedophile:


[–] [deleted] 5 pts

It's confirmed that the chink is a crypto jew.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts

Just leaving this here without comment

Cum Town - Arthur Chu Compilation:


[–] 2 pts

Never knew this stuff, thanks.

[–] 1 pt

Stav looks like an unfinished muppet.

[–] 21 pts

Bug people are sub human. They are just yellow niggers. The Japs might be an exception, I haven't made up my mind yet on them.

[–] 23 pts

I only like japs because they have fought for their land and their culture, and continue to do so. I have respect for that. I have yet to meet a jap that wasn't an honorable man.

Chinese are like cockroaches.

[–] [deleted] 11 pts

Yeah, I like the Japanese. Surprising number of Christians over there too. I actually respect those of the Shinto faith. I really do. They are good honorable people.

[–] 3 pts

IIRC, a surprising number of Shinto priests are actually Buddhist, and maybe even one or two Christians here and there. Something about it being more about spirituality and harmony, and whatever deity you actually believe in is between you and that deity.

I could be wrong, though.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

As someone whose dealt with Asians, they are collective bug people. Even in the event you value individualism, they will drag you into their problems as a collective. They truly do not give a fuck about you, except as a means to their own greedy ends. And if you ever tell them no, they will scream and guilt you into their shitty problems, until you either comply or leave. Asian cultures only really know violence and fear as a way to get their needs, debate rarely comes up

[–] 3 pts

Chinese people are reflected in their products.

[–] 1 pt

So a bunch of smug thiefs who can't even copy right and fuck up even when the excel? (can make chicken taste like orange still somehow fuck everything along the way)

[–] 3 pts

Nips are honorary.

I can respect the Koreans, but only so far with the whol cult bullshit.

Fuck the Chinks and their shitty dead cities that already crumble after 2 years despit none using them.

For the rest of Asia, meh they didn't do anything yet one way or the other, True Neutral for the time being.

[–] 3 pts

If it makes you feel better the Japs had a death penalty for communists before the USA forced them to stop it, which eventually lead to a failed "Mayday Protest" AKA attempted communist uprising in the days after the Japanese regained their Independence.

[–] 3 pts

Japs are the closest thing to actual Nazi's in history. SUPER race oriental-ated, no race mixing. Fucking brutal, and the shit they did on human testing with Chinese is astounding. There is a reason we had to nuke them, they are the only race that truly wouldn't stop until we did that. All that said I sometimes succumb to the yellow fever, and they do have the best bug people hotties.

[–] 2 pts

Japs are good folk or at least in general before their own race traitors and globalist subversion did its absolute best to single out japan and change that.

[–] 15 pts

Good news, this weeks Chocolate rations are up after a major victory against Oceania !

[–] 7 pts

Double good news: Our dear leader increased chocolate production by 200%.

[–] 1 pt

Haha, do you think he's even aware of the irony?

[–] 11 pts

Does this fat yellow faggot even know what a nazi is? Does anyone on the left? Come to think of it, a lot of "conservatives" throw around that word as an insult too. Goddamn the kike propaganda has been excessively effective.

[–] 7 pts

There probably weren't more honorable men than Nazis. If the jewish media tries to tell you something, you can be sure the opposite is the case.

[–] 4 pts

It's always been meant as an insult. Do you think the NSDAP called themselves nazis?

[–] 6 pts

Yes, I'm aware that "nazi" was a term made up by some kike to disparage the natsocs.

[–] 0 pt

Rememt when calling someone a commie was an insult? Good times.

[–] 0 pt

The hilarious thing is, if you explained the economic and governmental policies of National Socialism to these people without using the word "Nazi", they'd be tripping over themselves to adopt it.

I'm actually engaged in a psyop on my boomer parents right now, drip-feeding them Nazi policy without saying the evil badguy nono word. It's working.

[–] 1 pt

Lucky me, my parents are very JQ pilled so it saves me that effort.

[–] 0 pt

My father was in the military so he REFUSES to hear a single word about the jews. He's spent his whole life fighting wars for them, so he's beyond brainwashed.

[–] 6 pts

We need to start pushing the idea that using the word nazi in a derogatory sense is racial slur against Whites and should be marked as hate speech.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

They don't care if it is hate speech against whites, they honestly and truly believe that it is impossible to be racist against white people. They even write books about "white fragility".

You can't beat them at their own game as they make up the rules as they go along. Best thing to do is to just not engage them because in two months they will be ranting and raving about something else anyway. That and exclude them from any social group you can and when people ask make it clear that you do not tolerate extremists with hate filled hearts.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Exactly. The right needs to start using the woketards' tactics on the woketards themselves. They should get fired for their political beliefs, tell them that they're not welcome in social circle, conservative parents shouldn't financially support them, tell them how pathetic and what pushovers they are/humiliate them, laugh at their inane rhetoric, don't use their services/patronize them.

The leftists make everything political that they need a taste of their own medicine.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

It is basically what I do, I also make a point like "your being awfully hateful, were you this hateful when different racists were burning cities?" or "If you think someone who disagrees with you should be shot, you may want to consider there is more wrong with you than there is them". 9 times out of 10 that shuts them up. Doesn't matter that I have in the past said we should round up all the socialists and shoot them, they don't know that and even if they did pointing it out just makes them have to acknowledge they are basically doing the same thing a "right wing terrorist" is doing. Best is when I got one to apologize profusely when I told them as a jewish person them saying that conservatives nowadays are literal nazis was incredibly insulting and demeaned the sacrifice of all the millions of jews that died in the holocaust lol.

[–] 0 pt

It is, you have to have power to be racist.

Except that white people don't actually have power, it is all shapeshifters who look white but will say they are not white but jewish the second any heat comes their way. If you look at billionaires by race and population and take out the jewish people, the white and black bars are about the same.

[–] 0 pt

Hate speech against white people is perfectly fine by their rules. Wypipo, mayo, cracker, yt, hillbilly, MAGAt, nazi, fragile, and more. Perfectly fine. But if you try to use the Spanish or Brazillian word for black in a non-English post? Instaban.

[–] 6 pts

Blue check mark of-fucking-course. “Easier for both of us.” Everything needs to be easy.

[–] 5 pts

Where does this chink live. He needs to be doxed and visited.

[–] 1 pt

You mean so that you can give him a free ticket to visit his homecountry right?

I pack his bag, you think he would mind if I pack winnie pooh shirts and some litirature about a place where 1989 nothing happened?

[–] 4 pts

Every fuckin time with these blue checkmarks. Absolutely incredible.

[–] 3 pts


they want safety camps so baaaad. they're literally begging for nazis by being repulsive.

[–] 3 pts

So don't go to Twitter anymore.

[–] 1 pt

Kinda hard when all news these days just seems to be quoting twatter posts.

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