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I don't care if masks work or not.

If you want to change someone's mind, keep it really simple, and to one point.

Don't argue about masks, don't bother making arguments about vaccines, just simply state that the disease is not very deadly, and has a mortality rate of 3 people out of 10,000 if you are under 50 years of age.

It doesn't matter whether masks work or not

It doesn't matter whether the vaccine is safe or dangerous.

What matters is that the disease itself is basically a non-issue to start with.

I don't care if masks work or not. If you want to change someone's mind, keep it really simple, and to one point. Don't argue about masks, don't bother making arguments about vaccines, just simply state that the disease is not very deadly, and has a mortality rate of 3 people out of 10,000 if you are under 50 years of age. It doesn't matter whether masks work or not It doesn't matter whether the vaccine is safe or dangerous. What matters is that the disease itself is basically a non-issue to start with.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

While I agree with you about masks and the deadliness of the cold bug, it is a pointless exercise to argue that as well. Anyone firmly convinced the government should tell us what to do, and should be trusted, also knows someone elderly or immuno-compromised and will simply shift the discussion to how it is deadly for some and so masks must be worn by all.

[–] 1 pt

I'm sure you know someone elderly and immuno-comprimised as well.

Someone who doesn't have much time left.

Someone who is going to die anyway.

Someone who doesn't give a shit if they live another two months after Christmas,

Because they wanted to see their great grandchildren one more time before they died.

[–] 1 pt

i might. but i have no sympathy.

if theyre fucking retarded enoguh to believe everything the tv tells them and not look anything up for themselves they are part of the issue that allows cops to beat the fuck out of pregnant women because they refuse to give themselves chest infections.

[–] 0 pt

if they're fucking retarded enough to believe everything the TV tells them

That means that we are failing at combating the TV.

We are somehow more retarded than the TV.

That is our failure, not theirs.