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  • Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White.

  • The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens.

  • niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species.

  • Superiority excites envy.


* Less than 50% of children living inside the United States are White. * The United States was founded to be a White ethnostate and non whites could never be citizens. * niggers, by any genetic standard are a completely separate species. * Superiority excites envy. https://poal.co/s/Niggers/233881/

(post is archived)

It was not reported in Australia.

Nor where I am from. And how it was reported on compared to nigger floyd. Fuckinng joke...

And they're still talking about Floyd down here. Any news item that even vaguely relates to some racial or SJW shit, he gets a mention. It's at Never Forget stage now.

People who are so easily fooled make me ashamed to be a part of the same species.