Japanese nigger science man is a minor celebrity scientist. He's said many things over the years that were fantastical and utterly untrue but he does it with enough conjecture to convince the unknowing sheeple that he is authoritative. He is wrong far more than he is correct. Working in the lab on a small scale is not something that usually translates to real world scale. This would be one of those unscalable technologies. Weather is just too complex for this to work so simply. The sun outputs massive amounts of energy more than these trillion Watt (pulsed not continuous) lasers and influences the weather massively. We can't compete with the sun. Sorry, it's not real.
Japanese nigger science man is a minor celebrity scientist. He's said many things over the years that were fantastical and utterly untrue but he does it with enough conjecture to convince the unknowing sheeple that he is authoritative. He is wrong far more than he is correct. Working in the lab on a small scale is not something that usually translates to real world scale. This would be one of those unscalable technologies. Weather is just too complex for this to work so simply. The sun outputs massive amounts of energy more than these trillion Watt (pulsed not continuous) lasers and influences the weather massively. We can't compete with the sun. Sorry, it's not real.