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Really looks like @WhiteArtCollective has the majority covered, even some stuff I didn't even catch, but I'll add to when I get back and am able to do some editing.

It was a really peaceful demonstration and to all of those people parroting "Don't go!!! It's a trap!!"... Get off your ass and away from they keyboard for awhile.

Really looks like @WhiteArtCollective has the majority covered, even some stuff I didn't even catch, but I'll add to when I get back and am able to do some editing. It was a really peaceful demonstration and to all of those people parroting "Don't go!!! It's a trap!!"... Get off your ass and away from they keyboard for awhile.

(post is archived)

Not making fun of anything. It's a statement. From all sides I saw people throwing out, repeatedly, false info about the event, the half screen grab of the crisis actors posting not including date info and all around people beating the "don't come together" drum. The later being what I've seen all over on many occasions, seemingly trying to keep people away from each other to keep them in segregated bubbles.

I didn't catch that comment chain that the two of you had. It's interesting to see/read but it wouldn't have stopped me from attending. Great people with heads on swivels with open hearts.

Now Alex Jones strolling down the street with a bull horn leading a group of people like the pied piper was out of nowhere and completely random but hilarious.

[–] 0 pt


Some people who didn't attend that rally are still advocating for "martyrs", as in people getting killed in richmond, as a good thing

Let that sink in

Better safe than sorry


That rally was an all or nothing deal, either it goes peacefully and 2A advocates get their point across, or it goes sideways and its the opposite side who get its point across

Glad those who attended had zero tolerance for martyr bs calls

No matter what or where, there is always going to be someone, somewhere, saying and wishing similar to what you mention. Maybe not full on calling for martyrs but for politically motivated causes, more so than not. If everyone were to sit back not do anything because it's the safest option then nothing would be done. The US would not have been founded. We wouldn't even be in a position to be able to have a discussion like this online even.

I know where you're coming from but I'll be happy to continue to take calculated chances as I see the need and encourage others to do the same.

[–] 0 pt

>calculated chances


And I totally agree with the rest of your post, to be clear

That being said, the dailystormer was right; not on calling for everyone to not attend, but on pointing to the risk, the potential for political disaster

If anyone got killed over there, let alone a bunch, I let you imagine the headlines today, and the overall ambiance here, with images of 2A normies with maga hats almost crying "this isn't what we wanted!"


It's a very good thing a lot of people attended, and it's also a very good thing they were very cautious, aware of the potential for disaster

And it's also a good thing the psychotic moron didn't attend btw

If anything that's all I'm saying