God, it's good to hear some sane well spoken rational criticism!
For anyone that might wonder, in the second part of the Dick Cavett show episode, Enoch Powell spoke with another 'guest' on the show who kept trying to push non-Whites flooding as a good thing and espoused that White people only fear non-Whites due to being told that they should fear them by authority figures, that Whites would be perfectly fine with being replaced by negros in their own White land if someone in authority would simply not tell them that they should not be ok with it.
This other "guest" was " opera director, actor, author, television presenter, comedian, medical doctor " going by the name of "Jonathan Miller".
Yes, it was a kike.
https://infogalactic.com/info/Jonathan_Miller Early life Miller grew up in St John's Wood, London, in a well-connected jewish family. His father Emanuel (1892–1970), who was of Lithuanian descent and suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis, was a military psychiatrist and subsequently a paediatric psychiatrist at Harley House. His mother, Betty Miller (née Spiro) (1910–1965), was a novelist and biographer who was originally from County Cork, Ireland.
And its kike mother: https://infogalactic.com/info/Betty_Miller_(author)