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[–] 1 pt 2mo (edited 2mo)

It's not failing though. It's working exactly how it's supposed to. To give a veneer of vigilance while actually acting to cover up adverse reactions and silence the victims and their families through confidential settlements in order to protect the profits of the big pharma corporations while they poison the children around the world.

The system is not broken. It was designed and implemented to work exactly as it does. It's not broken, it's evil.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

100% I don't think, at least not yet, any politician has the guts to say the truth. Most are in on it and never took a jab.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

They are so sad that the repercussion are now people hate them. It would be so sad if repercussions were serving criminal sentences for mass murder.

At no point are they apologizing for deaths. The only thing that they feel is what is in their wallet, they are not people.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Must be losing money on vaxes, old farts like me refusing flu vax and all the bullshit they try to scare people with.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

The jewish scam backfired on them. They couldn't bully enough conservatives into continuous jabs and now even the left is catching on. Time for an updated "Safe and effective" campaign to reassure the public.