It should be negative - way down in a deep hole. A whole lot of undetermined/to be determined heavy-duty trust building needs to occur before trust will be anywhere close to positive territory.
It should be negative - way down in a deep hole. A whole lot of undetermined/to be determined heavy-duty trust building needs to occur before trust will be anywhere close to positive territory.
I agree. I'm not sure (((big pharma))) can fix what it broke, ever. Certainly not in our lifetimes. The system needs to crumble to the ground. Something else needs to replace it. I'm not sure what that might be, certainly not Rockefeller medicine.
I agree. I'm not sure (((big pharma))) can fix what it broke, ever. Certainly not in our lifetimes. The system needs to crumble to the ground. Something else needs to replace it. I'm not sure what that might be, certainly not Rockefeller medicine.