Pure bloods shall inherent the Earth.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
Who are the mud-bloods gonna turn to for moral support now? JK Rowling?
Super straight pure blood checking in!
Notice there’s no fact-based scientific rebuttal? Just emotional and big-worded ploys to sway people’s minds.
How about showing irrefutable scientific evidence to prove their points? It’ll never happen.
vaccines are science
That's their argument. Except not 1 single faggot has mentioned that it's not a century old technique that we're talking about. It's fucking mRNA vaccines that have, scientifically, nuked all the animals they were tested on.
They act like we're talking about the same thing.
You don’t have to take an erection test before flying
Isn't that why the TSA gives you a nice rubdown before flying? Youre telling me I'm not supposed to be fully torqued before boarding?
haha :)
Some of those might be fun! (Ladies in the bar "Who was that masked man?". Other ladies "Who cares, that guy isn't wearing a mask!") (Stewardess, "Sir, drop 'em for me." "Yes Ma'am! Check this out!")
How long does it take before it's actually science?
THE SCIENCE! Has to SCIENCE about the science.
"Guys, CNN said the mRNA based gene therapy which causes reverse-transcriptase changes in DNA doesn't change your DNA, it's true because they said so. Stop being anti-science. When CNN says things that's settled science, if you disagree you're a NAHTZEE." - Every vaxxtard on the planet right now
I thought THE SCIENCE! was fluid and ever changing?
Or were they confusing that with the narrative?
The narrative is the science!
I have a 3rd degree in Narrative Science.
Oh they have memes and stupid analogies to back it up. Not deep thinkers at all, I should post a few.
Oh they have memes
Well, what leftists claim are memes, anyway. Usually walls of text with an unrelated image.
Here’s another stupid one from the same group passing it around.
It was supposed to be a blood pressure medication, it didn’t work(surprise, just like the vax) but caused erections.
It underwent animal and human studies, human studies were halted due to it being ineffective as a blood pressure medication but restarted as an erectile dysfunction drug.
The government isn’t handing it out for free.
The government isn’t forcing you to take viagra against your will to keep your job while also excluding from society.
children and infants aren’t being forced to take the drug as a requirement to attend school or enter businesses.
You don’t have to wear a mask if you’re not taking viagra.
You don’t have to take an erection test before flying, entering a large venue or getting a medical procedure done.
Your doctor won’t prescribe it if you have certain conditions.
Usually walls of text with an unrelated image.
Right. It's because their memes are made up of a house built from a deck of "denial of reality" cards.
You just need to find something really mild that goes completely against their memeset to get them to go way overboard in their response. Tim Pool is trying to get people to change the term for MSM "journalists" to "content creators" - since they're no longer reporting facts. We'll see what happens.
Now, "it's OK to be white", that was brilliant.
Content curators
That’s a good one, I wonder if it will stick, if not something else eventually will. Fake news stuck, gmosapeins confused them, pure bloods seems to be working for now.
Didn't fauxci just anoint himself lord of the science!
That'd be a good comedy skit:
Pure bloods unite!
What I find amusing is how leftists will say it's Nazi-like to use the term "purebloods," yet are completely fine with the propaganda and coercion from the media and government against "the unvaccinated," among other things. Ya know, actual Nazi tactics?
Mudblood fragility...
Always remind them of their GMO status.
They’re to stupid to get it, it was tried. PureBloods seems to get the point across though.
Any coping or dilation involved?
Preferably, yes.
HA HA Liberals - pretending they are still human.
They corrupted their own DNA.
Probably sterilized themselves in the process.
The ultimate Darwin award.
(post is archived)