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[–] 9 pts 3y

Clever, actually. If you develop heart problems because of one of the "vaccines" they can say it's a side effect of the virus itself now.

[–] 5 pts 3y

They've already been claiming this. If you look at leftist NPC discourse about vaccine side effects, they always claim myo/pericarditis is a side effect of the mysterious and non-existent "long COVID".

[–] 2 pts 3y

There was a French study (might have read about it here can't remember), essentially the folks with the worst "long covid" symptoms apparently never had covid to begin with according to antibody testing. For people with confirmed antibodies, continued lack of smell was pretty much all they had.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's just bizarre to me because these NPCs don't question the idea that suddenly viruses can be affecting you for months or years after your immune system has destroyed the virus, which only recently cropped up with the "long COVID" lie in order to conflate poison gene therapy side effects with jewflu side effects.

Weird how that's never been a thing in history before this year, and yet none of these fucking mental midgets questions it at all.

[–] 1 pt 3y

< the mysterious and non-existent "long COVID".

I must have forgotten about that. Especially since the narrative changes so often.

[–] 5 pts 3y

They already say your vax effectiveness (antibodies levels) decreases over time, that's why you get the omicron or whatever variant. Now you need the booster in 3 months like they do in UK to make sure you get the heart problem side-effects while they continue to study whether the existing vax and boosters work to decrease symptoms of the variants.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

Odd that goes against anything we've ever been taught about immunity and antibodies.

But.....ya know.....it could have been worse.

[–] 2 pts 3y

They already say your vax effectiveness (antibodies levels) decreases over time, that's why you get the omicron or whatever variant. Now you need the booster in 3 months like they do in UK to make sure you get the heart problem side-effects while they continue to study whether the existing vax and boosters work to decrease symptoms of the variants.

There's a lot of money in booster shots!

[–] 3 pts 3y

It's shocking actually that people are being told to "boost" 3 months after the 2nd shot. The drug companies probably are shouting at their marketing departments for not making it a 3 shot series to begin with.

[–] 2 pts 3y

The government pays $20 per booster as of now. The antivirals are the big bucks with alll the false positives. $6,000 for a five day course of the Pfizer pills. Imagine all the money for each fake positive test.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Stop noticing things goy! It's very antisemitic of you!

[–] 3 pts 3y

There is a sponge bob episode about mad hysteria and a fake virus. Symptoms include ticklish ribcage, untrimmed toe nails.. We need to create a meme

[–] 3 pts 3y

Loss of smell --> heart problems. That escalated quickly.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Well, loss of smell is probably due to vascular damage, so not THAT far off…

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's due to the mild death you'll experience after the brief illness.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

All side effects of chronic moderate arsenic exposure.

They are poisoning us and calling it “virus.”

[–] 0 pt 3y

What’s the source for this? Couldn’t find it on CDC or WHO sites.

[–] 0 pt 3y

weakness and pain of the muscles

can that result in paralisys

[–] 0 pt 3y

A bad cold that gives me a heart attack!

[–] 0 pt 3y

Can we get a source for the text?

[–] -1 pt 3y

We've known COVID-19 caused significant clots in ill patients in 20%-50% of individuals, depending on the study.

This was known long before anyone started getting vaccines.

We've known the set of COVID-19 symptoms since January 2020. That list is not new.

That image is not the gotcha it seems like. You can't just find the symptoms of COVID-19, which is a very widely known set of symptoms humans suffer from VRIs, and pretend it is magically vaccines causing it. We had a shitload of people die long before the vaccines started rolling out.

Fatasses have been dying of heart and blood problems from COVID-19 since the beginning. It kills your ability to absorb oxygen through your lungs if you cannot fight the disease off. Just like any other Viral Respiratory Infection (called a VRI in the epidemiology world), you can die of cardiopulmonary complications when VRIs become severe.

[–] 4 pts 3y

You can't have symptoms of a thing that doesn't exist faggot.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I think I'm a hypochondriac, but I'm not sure. How could I tell?

[–] -1 pt 3y

There are still COVID-19 deniers THIS late into the COVID-19 game?

Holy shit, this is next level retarded. I didn't think idiots like you even existed. Thought that died out last year in 2020 when you retards realized too many people were dying near you to hold onto the retarded belief that COVID-19 was a made up disease.

But, here you are, astounding me with transcendent retardedness.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I'm pretty sure they did release something at first. Hard to say whether it matches what is supposed to be covid or it is a different bacterial or even chemical agent. There was a famous guy who died early on and I got a sore throat and mild pneumonia symptoms too. I don't think the Iranian politicians were faking it either. This was all early 2020.

On the other hand, not one neighbor has died since and they average 70. So much for the extremely contagious deadly virus.

Only know of old men over 60 who got a fever for about one week each well into 2020 and were told they had covid.

The no virus conspiracy theory is more plausible than the vaccine side effects are caused by Greek-letter covid conspiracy theory.

[–] -1 pt 3y

actually if you still are buying the nonsense this far into the cohen-19 game Im pretty sure it is you that is the retard

[–] 0 pt 3y

Nice job doing (((their))) work for them by attributing the poison gene therapy injuries to the jewflu.

[–] -2 pt 3y

You require evidence that the vaccines work. You got it and there's a shitload of it. But you don't believe it.

You don't require evidence that they don't work or are terribly harmful. But you still believe they are terrible and harmful. You consume absolutely retarded bullshit on the daily without even checking the sources (and if you did, you'd see that the underlying studies often state the exact opposite of those retarded "news" articles you eat up like cocaine).

How fucking retarded can you get?

The literal origin of the anti-COVID-19-vaccines is China. China wants to bring down America by making our vaccines seems terrible, dangerous, bad, ineffective. They want us divided and weak. They want us fighting. And they want their less effective vaccine to be used more. The more Americans that can be killed by this weaponized virus, the better. The more we fight each other, the easier it is to literally take over the world (their actual goal).

Any person on Poal espousing retarded antivax perspectives is a Chinese shill working for Xi and they don't even realize it.

This isn't some sort of hairbrained tinfoil hat conspiracy about China: they've been busted over and over spreading their antivax disinformation campaigns with their botnets and the media companies are silently and quietly reporting it.

Congrats. How does Xi Jinping's dick test, communist traitor?


And if you don't trust American sources, the EU noticed, too:


And to think retarded fucks you like are allowed to vote. I bet you can't get dressed in the morning without someone from China approving it or telling you how to do it. Retard.

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[–] 1 pt 3y

everything you just posted is a massive lie and a diametric opposite of the truth. The only individuals I see coming down with SEVERE cases are the (((VAXXED))). The mRNA treatment actually fucks your immune system thats what its designed to do.

Keep shilling for forcing this poison on others because Nuremberg style trials and executions are one day coming and You monsters will get the karma and justice you deserve.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 3y

Lol “we’ve known”

Bet you have Schlomo.