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I work for one of the largest globohomo companies in the US as a software developer. They just announced that they are requiring all remote and on site employees to take the clot shot by Oct 15. If you don’t comply you will be “separated from the company”. Their words. I work remotely 1000s of miles away from their headquarters in Washington.

The fact that they are mandating remote employees tells you a lot. This isn’t about protecting people. This is about control and compliance with the narrative. All wrong thinking employees must be terminated.

I plan to file a religious exemption but I doubt that they will accept it because I don’t go to church. Man, these stupid HR reps better be careful with what they say to me because I’ll take all of it to a lawyer to see if I have a case. Anyways, I’m not taking the shot. Period. I will lose my 6 figure salary before I take that damned thing. Maybe I’ll start a BS non profit and funnel tax dollars into my pocket, idk. I’m tired of being a net positive on the clown economy. I’m tired of being a good goy.

I work for one of the largest globohomo companies in the US as a software developer. They just announced that they are requiring all remote and on site employees to take the clot shot by Oct 15. If you don’t comply you will be “separated from the company”. Their words. I work remotely 1000s of miles away from their headquarters in Washington. The fact that they are mandating remote employees tells you a lot. This isn’t about protecting people. This is about control and compliance with the narrative. All wrong thinking employees must be terminated. I plan to file a religious exemption but I doubt that they will accept it because I don’t go to church. Man, these stupid HR reps better be careful with what they say to me because I’ll take all of it to a lawyer to see if I have a case. Anyways, I’m not taking the shot. Period. I will lose my 6 figure salary before I take that damned thing. Maybe I’ll start a BS non profit and funnel tax dollars into my pocket, idk. I’m tired of being a net positive on the clown economy. I’m tired of being a good goy.

(post is archived)

[–] 20 pts 3y (edited 3y)

By october 15th the cancer causing side effect increase will be more emerging in statistics. keep dragging feet. never comply. make them fire you. religious angle is still worthwhile and worked in New York State for 17 physicians that refused due to UNBORN FETAL TISSUE used at some stages of mRNA development. YOu could use same paperwork filing.

UNBORN FETAL TISSUE is used because of born people known as NIGGERS suing for 1 billion dollars (and winning) using jew lawyers decades later. Yup, all of medicine switched to fetal cell tumor tissue after nigger grandkids sued for 1 billion shekels:




Niggers and jews forced science to switch to unborn, but unborn cells allow you to REJECT mRNA vaccines!!!!

Judge temporarily suspends NY vaccine mandate for health care workers who claim religious exemption : https://www.4029tv.com/article/judge-suspends-ny-state-vaccine-mandate-for-health-care-workers-who-claim-religious-exemption/37600750

The plaintiffs cited religious convictions that prevent them from being inoculated with vaccines that they said "were tested, developed or produced with fetal cells line derived from procured abortions." Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna used cell lines originating from fetal tissue to test their vaccines

just get copy of court filing, and use the resisting doctors own arguments, now that there is case law precedent

greedy jews and greedy niggers as i showed, created this one new excuse for you.

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[–] 1 pt 3y

By october 15th the cancer causing side effect increase will be more emerging in statistics

No it won't. This is definitely among the most retarded talking points even cooked up about the mRNA vaccines.

Hint: cancer is from mutated DNA. There is literally not pathway for an mRNA vaccine to cause cancer.

There are other pervasive pseudoscience arguments being made about the mRNA vaccines and causing cancer. Such as "the mRNA vaccines suppress certain proteins which prevented certain types of cancer." That one was false because it was basing it off of a study from 2018 when these mRNA vaccines didn't exist for this:


[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Viruses are known to cause cancer. Reverse-transcribing DNA with RNA through reverse-Transciptase is known to happen. Not saying, that THIS PARTICULAR mRNA shot does the same.

Furthermore, the clot-shot is supposed to damage some people's immune system, which in turn makes them more prone to cancer. Identifying and disposing of cancer cells is one of its functions, after all.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Correct (Immuno-oncology) : T-Cells keeping back many forms of cancer, especially anal cancer, and cervical cancer. And the mRNA jabbed are missing 40% of the types of T-Cells that hunt down aberrant DNA cells. I mention it in another more detailed post and erred in this thread by not being pedantic on the topic of :


I am more detailed in my cancer prediction in :


[–] 0 pt 3y

Viruses are known to cause cancer.

And here is how:

"When viruses cause an infection, they spread their DNA, affecting healthy cells’ genetic makeup and potentially causing them to turn into cancer."


Reverse-transcribing DNA with RNA through reverse-Transciptase is known to happen. Not saying, that THIS PARTICULAR mRNA shot does the same.

That's not how mRNA vaccines work at all.

"RNA vaccines work by introducing an mRNA sequence (the molecule which tells cells what to build) which is coded for a disease specific antigen, once produced within the body, the antigen is recognised by the immune system, preparing it to fight the real thing."



Furthermore, the clot-shot is supposed to damage some people's immune system

Wrong. That's not how mRNA vaccines work at all.

which in turn makes them more prone to cancer.

Already debunked this in the comment you replied to. This talking point was disinformation spread by a malicious fucktard on Facebook and it was based off of a study from 2018, more than 2 years before the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines existed making it impossible to pretend like these mRNA vaccines could cause cancer using that study. Furthermore, they simply do not work that way at all. There is not delivery vector to mess with DNA which is how cancer is formed.

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[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)


Are you uneducated in science?

Are you a new account paid jew leftist disenchanting SHILL?

I explained the exact mechanism in other similar comments the same night here.

You are obviously uneducated in oncology, if you do not know that T-Cells stave off cancer. Maybe you were educated in the 1960s, but in 2021 its well established science that SOME CANCERS like the one I stipulated, are well regulated by the efforts of certain T-cells.

Immuno-oncologists have discovered that T-cells also seek and destroy cancer cells all the time, which keeps the body in a state of equilibrium.

I ignored all your writing, and I am sorry if you might have addressed my remarks, I read a comment as one single blink image, and my mind focused solely on your claim that I erred. I am never incorrect in any post I made on this site.

Feel free to find a mistake if you can. You failed this time.

Your tactic of trying to correct me in matters of science or medicine is comical to me and indicative of a classic ADL / SPLC / JIDF / ShareBlue attack method to run-off educated users from "free speech hate sites"

Read some papers or books on Immuno-oncology, join up with modern established science.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

Are you uneducated in science?

Clearly not. Since I do science and statistics for a living. You, on the other hand, are quite full of disinformation, you're an idiot, and you're definitely full of shit.

Notice how your lengthy reply, which clearly indicates you have mental problems (getting some schizophrenia vibes from you), contains not a shred of real science in it at all? Just a mish-mash of pseudoscience.

[–] 1 pt 3y

This guy nil keeps pushing things that seem like it could be right to the uneducated but totally wrong to a subject matter expert.

Case in point his breakdown of the Brandenburg test in another thread which was purposefully deceitful in telling Poalers that threatening imminent harm is free speech as long as the timeframe is over 365 days. That's getting you arrested.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)


All I type here is 100% factual, and you seem to not know SCOTUS case law on definition of the word "IMMINENT" , and I provided helpful links, and facts and TIME FRAME.

over 365 is no longer "IMMINENT" in US case law.



Are you a new account paid jew leftist disenchanting SHILL?

You are obviously uneducated in law.

Your tactic of trying to correct me in matters I comment upon is comical to me and indicative of a classic ADL / SPLC / JIDF / ShareBlue attack method to run-off educated users from "free speech hate sites".

YOU ARE A PAID LEFTIST SHILL ACCOUNT and an alt of 'dadudemon1'!


How's the weather in Tel Aviv, rabbi?

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[–] 0 pt 3y

Case in point his breakdown of the Brandenburg test in another thread which was purposefully deceitful in telling Poalers that threatening imminent harm is free speech as long as the timeframe is over 365 days. That's getting you arrested.

Unsure about the 365 days thing but there is a "immediacy" means test to criminally threats of violence.

Unprotected violence speech must have the following criteria:

  1. Be intended to provoke imminent lawless action; and

  2. Be likely to cause such action.


So like you said, he seems rather full of shit.

[–] 0 pt 3y

No that's simply wrong.

Cancer originates in the mitochondria, not the nucleus. DNA damage is downstream of the originating metabolic damage resulting in free radicals (Warburg Effect), and many cancers don't involve any DNA damage whatsoever. There is very clear clinical proof of this in that a cancer cell nucleus can be transplanted into non-cancerous cytoplasm and the cell will remain non-cancerous. The reverse is not true.

Many things that mess with metabolic processes can cause cancer, including most modern foods available today. It is not a stretch at all to think an MRNA vaccine can cause cancer since the spike proteins bind to ACE2 receptors that directly interface with the mitochondria and cause mitochondrial damage.

This is why you shouldn't simply defer any responsibility for critical thinking to "fact checkers".

[–] 0 pt 3y


Cancer is a genetic disease—that is, it is caused by changes to genes that control the way our cells function, especially how they grow and divide.

Genetic changes that cause cancer can happen because:

of errors that occur as cells divide. of damage to DNA caused by harmful substances in the environment, such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke and ultraviolet rays from the sun. (Our Cancer Causes and Prevention section has more information.) they were inherited from our parents. The body normally eliminates cells with damaged DNA before they turn cancerous. But the body’s ability to do so goes down as we age. This is part of the reason why there is a higher risk of cancer later in life.

Each person’s cancer has a unique combination of genetic changes. As the cancer continues to grow, additional changes will occur. Even within the same tumor, different cells may have different genetic changes.


But the anti-vax retards on this site will still think retards like you are right and eat up your retarded bullshit.

Notice how your pile of shit reply has no citations to back up your point and my comes right from the National Cancer Institute?

The only possible correctly reply to my comment is "you're right, fuck this guy for spreading disinformation." Any disagreement with me will be factually incorrect.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

did you just link to a fact checking article seriously? pmsl


[–] -1 pt 3y

Did you just seriously miss the entire point and think this is about a fact checking article instead of the article pointing out the origin of this "cancer" talking point by linking the original 2018 research?

You do know you can skip the entire fact checking article, read the research the 'cancer' bullshit Facebook point was about, and see the date on that research article is clearly 2018.

Here's how it breaks down:


Me: "You dumb retards. The research being cited is from 2018, a full 2 years and some change before the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were even used in human trials. It is literally impossible for this research to support your point because the fucking vaccines didn't even exist. You fucking retards."

Then retards like you respond, "ZOOOOMG!!! YOU USED A FACT CHECKING NEWS SITE TO PROVE IT WRONG!" As if you've never even heard of an ad hominem attack or even contemplated reading what you actually responded to. Like a proper retard.

[–] -1 pt 3y

Ap would never lie.

[–] 0 pt 3y

If you think this is about AP lying or not, you didn't understand my point and you didn't understand what AP was actually debunking.

Hint: AP linked to the study being used to blame the mRNA vaccines for the cancers and the study is from 2018, 2 years before these vaccines were even being used. With two brain cells, you can figure it out.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Why the 15th?

[–] 0 pt 3y


They just announced that they are requiring all remote and on site employees to take the clot shot by Oct 15.

Also.... early numbers are already coming in for cancer increasing year-over-year

[–] [deleted] 11 pts 3y (edited 3y)

As nil says, time is on your side. Drag it out as far as possible. Since the vaccine requirement is all about politics and not science, the political situation can change quickly. There are lawsuits underway against employers for this very thing that might shed more light on the best approach.

Since what they are doing--forcing you to get a lethal injection--is blatantly immoral, don't have any compunction about doing whatever is needed to keep your job.

I'll likely be in a similar situation sometime soon, so I have given this a lot of thought.

Here are some ideas: - Feign ignorance of the company vaccine mandate until the very last day and only then initiate the process to get a religious exemption. - Find out who is going to be making the final decision for letting you go. Does your immediate manager have any say? - Claim that you have gotten the vaccine but have misplaced the paperwork. This shifts the narrative from you receiving vaccine to you proving that you received it. - Check out this Karen's channel(youtube.com) to get a better understanding on how religious exemptions work and what you can expect. - See if an extension on the deadline is possible (at the very last moment).

Some of these are mutually exclusive. You don't want to tip your hand on being "anti-vax". The longer you can go without committing to a course of action the better off you'll be.

What these companies are doing is extremely dumb. They now have a good fraction of employees, something like 30%, who expect to be fired a month from now. And yet they are allowed to work and have full access to company network. Imagine the havoc this can wreck if even a small fraction of those employees choose to sabotage their work, the company network, or leave backdoors in place. I'm not advocating this, but something to think about.

[–] 6 pts 3y

Delay is definitely the best strategy. Biden's mandate is illegal and immoral, but none of the politicians are following the laws anymore.

I'd still advocate that your best way to keep your job is to say you've already had covid and have natural immunity. It's easy to claim you thought you had it because you developed a cough and lost your sense of smell. You didn't get a test because you were never that sick and didn't want to be exposed to a worse variant when you were already ill. You can also claim you got the test and it was positive but didn't keep the paperwork because that's not how healthcare has ever worked before. Image going to the doctor and saying you're allergic to penicillin then having the doctor say prove it because I don't believe you.

This vastly shifts the dynamic, because you are in fact safer to be around with natural immunity than with the clot shot. This technique has also already worked at several universities. Also, after legal challenge, there is a very good chance natural immunity will be added to Biden's illegal mandate to try to keep it in play.

[–] 0 pt 3y

What if I'm sure I had it the December prior to the fake pandemic starting but there wasn't a fake test yet?

[–] 1 pt 3y

Like FellowPoaler said, what they are doing is blatantly immoral, so you are free to use any method to sidestep that landmine. Claim you got sick in March and didn't want to go to the hospital due to a lack of PPE. It is impossible to prove you didn't and you'd likely pass an antibody test proving immunity as well.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Tell em you already got it but the dog ate your homework. It would be dangerous and selfish to get it again /shrug

[–] 0 pt 3y

This won't work. We have an excess of vaccines and are shipping them/selling them to other countries.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I liked the one person saying the less sense your religous beliefs make the less they can fight them.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

That's something I've been pondering over the last few months. What would be the most effective claim for religious exemption.

For example, when claiming religious exemption you absolutely don't want to bring in politics or start explaining how the vaccines are dangerous.

But what about the religious part? The way one youtuber put it, you are already exempt. Employer "granting" you the exemption is just a formality. If approached from that angle, the less you give them the better. Simply declaring that "my sincerely held religious beliefs do not allow me to get the COVID vaccine" should be sufficient.

But then what if the employer tries to dig further into your religious beliefs. What if they start to pry: Do you take Tylenol? Aspirin? Have you ever had a vaccine? In an attempt to trip you up.

By analogy, let's say you broke your leg. You have a cast and rent a wheelchair which you ride to work. There would not be even a discussion whether you can ride the wheelchair around the workplace. But let's say the employer starts asking you something along the lines of: Do you really need that wheelchair? Can't you use crutches? What if you run over someone's foot with your wheelchair? Can you maybe bring it in every other day?

Do you see how ridiculous that would be? That's what they want to do with your religious exemption. It shouldn't fly.

Personally that's my plan. Give them as little info as possible--just enough to claim the religious exemption. If they start fishing for more info then I'll have to think about how to proceed. Keep in mind that freedom of religion is right there in the constitution, the first amendment, and state constitutions have even stronger protections. Your employer DOES NOT get to determine what is and isn't a valid religion. It does not have to be any form of organized religion. You don't need to attend a church. I would even argue that you don't need to be consistent. Who is to say that you didn't have an epiphany yesterday which was the catalyst for your deeply held religious beliefs today?

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[–] 2 pts 3y

Religious beliefs have never been questioned before. I thought you give them the first part and nothing else. Hold firm and turn everything back on them over the doubt or needing details.
My God doesn't doubt me he loves me. Nigger!

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

I would just repeat my mantra of religious exemption. "I'll check with my lawyer" might make them back off.

[–] 0 pt 3y

You may not advocate it. But I for one would think it’s extremely based to do.

[–] -1 pt 3y

tbf it isnt a lethal injection, it is a semi-lethal injection.

[–] 6 pts 3y (edited 3y)

You do not have to go to church to be religious. You have to have a sincerely held religious belief. There are plenty of tips on how to do this

[–] 4 pts 3y

Also nobody can tell you that you aren’t religious. That is deeply personal and cannot be given or taken away.

[–] 1 pt 3y

might be a law suit in it to bring down the company

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

It has to be a sincerely held religious belief. It doesn't have to be in God.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Yes, you are correct. Those are the exact words he needs to use.

[–] 1 pt 3y

You do not have to go to church to go to church. I worship according to my beliefs every thursday at my friend's house by playing poker. Service begins at 8, bring your own sacramental beer. I even have a signed letter from my pastor confirming my attendence.

Now try proving I didn't go to church from thousands of miles away not knowing the details of which church I attend or what I do there.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Now try proving I didn't go to church from thousands of miles away not knowing the details of which church I attend or what I do there.

Just what I was thinking: "How the hell would they know whether you went to church or not as a remote worker?"

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 3y

You will be so much better off working for yourself. It's not going to be any harder that what you're used to

Here's to better times

[–] 4 pts 3y

Fuck it, a life lived in rebellion is better than spending the rest of your life as a comfortable slave. Cheers, and welcome to the new world!

[–] 3 pts 3y

The Private Companies are getting slicker at this shit. At least here in Screw York they are. I drive a school bus. The DOH in NY just MANDATED EITHER the clot shot or weekly testing or you get put on the "inactive list". Not FIRED just inactive. NO unemployment bennies no nothing. Still not taking the shot. Let em test me. THEY'RE paying for it so fine. If I keep coming back positive I'll sit my ass on Unemployment. Lots of other drivers are taking the same tact. Should be interesting to see how they'll figure it out if enough of us go out on quarantine because of a false positive.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 3y

The DOH in NY just MANDATED EITHER the clot shot or weekly testing or you get put on the "inactive list". Not FIRED just inactive. NO unemployment bennies no nothing.

If your employer reduces the number of hours you work you can file for unemployment benefits, even if you are not fired.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Normally I would agree with you. But this whole "inactive" BS I think is their way of sneaking around that and here in Screw York they will GLEEFULLY go along. But I'll let them "test me". I don't give a fuck. Since all this BULLSHIT started I've been hospitalized TWICE and very near death both times. Once for blood clots in my legs and once for a recurring abscess in my throat. They tested me each time its no big deal. Funny though I've nearly died TWICE and it had NOTHING to do with their scary "virus". I have a severely compromised immune system and if anyone SHOULD have gotten this phantom its ME and yet TWO health scares and they had NOTHING to do with "Covid". Funny that huh?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yeah but you got blood clots from a pre-existing issue and had you taken the vaccine and the clots appeared, people would be blaming the shot and not your own medical history.

I knew someone who did what you do for a living and they just died from a clot. They never took the vaccine but they did catch COVID last year.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Let em test me.

why would you let them possibly harm you with whatever is on the end of that flawed test, get a weekly chance to puncture your blood brain barrier, and make a weekly Covid case out of you (that's 52 Covid cases a year), and let them make up dirt on you? It's punishment, and abuse...and you'll tolerate that? No test No Jab

[–] 0 pt 3y

Because I don't GAS. Ive HAD two tests while in the hospital near death for totally unrelated shit. Whatever is IN their test it has no effect on me. Besides if whatever is IN the test wants me? Its going to have to vie with about 15 other problems for control. Best of luck on that score

[–] 2 pts 3y

don't feed the bear if u can help it bro. Letting them test helps them keep this grift going. It's not a test, it's punishment imo, but you do you.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The graphene-oxide link is ridiculous because:

1) it's literally sprayed on many things being used in a medical setting, such as the gauze the dentist sticks in your mouth after a cleaning or the camera the Gastroenterologist sticks in your ass.

2) Most of the swabs used for COVID testing aren't sterilized with GO, they don't go in deeper than your own damn finger when picking your nose, and the GO that may have been sprayed on at the manufacturing plant is gone by the time the container is open and the swab is used.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Im as scared of that test as the shot. That test is poison too

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Just tell them you had a positive test at a clinic. They won't make you prove a positive.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Brother, better live than take a poison shot. Fuck them. A job isnt the end of your life.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Can't you say you got it? They can't ask you for proof right? That's illegal so are they just taking ppl's words for it?

[–] 1 pt 3y

My work is requiring those that got it to download it into the company database. They are working on their mandates right now, I'm waiting to see what they do and whether they will require vax for all or only testing for un-vaxxed. OP here is REMOTE and they are requiring the shot. That sucks and makes no sense.

[–] 1 pt 3y

When you say "download it" you mean take a photo of the paper vax card and upload it to the server?

[–] 2 pts 3y

Yes upload. I'm not a IT tech worker so I ruin English and say I 'download' any transfer.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Friend of mine just needed a letter from a priest. They didn't know one and hadn't been to church in a long time but had no problem getting one after calling the local church.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Bribe a tech to squirt your dose into the garbage can and mark you down as vaccinated.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Have you done it with success? Have a feeling they may rat you out because they’re idiots that buy the narrative.

[–] 0 pt 3y

No; I'm in a position where I don't need to get vaccinated. I'm just trying to think of what I'd attempt to do if I was being strongly coerced into getting it.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Right there with you, bud. I spent yesterday trying to bribe pharmacists to give me a card…no luck. I think I’m going to pay a bum get it for me…. With as many kids as I have, I can’t afford to lose my job, but I will not take the shot myself.

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