Hitler's bigger infraction was invading Norway, a neutral nation that was zero military threat, in order to insure ports on the North Sea. Forcing a nation to accept a puppet government they never wanted is wrong.
The question is, would you have preferred that stalin had captured that port?
Because that is the question the German's asked.
Small mercies come in unexpected forms.
Agree, and also don't disagree with GetCynical on the Stalin-capturing-the-port angle.
Ultimately Hitler did not do a good job of PR. Similar to Putin right now, if we're being honest. Perhaps, like Putin, he didn't care what the West thought.
Well the victor writes the history, so the PR game is a cost-benefit analysis.
There are points in geopolitics where saying "Fuck optics, I'm going in" is warranted.
Forcing a nation to accept a puppet government they never wanted is wrong.
He said in Biden's America.
(post is archived)