Why the fuck are there "ballot drop boxes"?
contact the Election Auditor’s Office for a new ballot.>>
All ballots there should be void (some were not burnt) and require a vote in person. Used to be not easy pre 2008 to get a absontee ballot now literly give them away.
Why the fuck are there "ballot drop boxes"? >>
Started in the 80's; no noticable issues untill last election. Remeber it being difficult to get a absontee ballot (maybe a mail in is different? idk whytf if would be though) in the late 90"s. Ex beyond military are college students that are far from their voting district.
On your question guess on paper it is for people who cannot afford a stamp or a ride their voting center. Off paper likely fraud as ballots are given out like candy now.
Mail in /= absentee ballot
They should all be fucking burned.
That is desperation. They knew there was more Trump votes in there than Kamalahaha.