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Archive: https://archive.is/HdnBf For as poorly (I hear) as these workers have been treated for years, change is long overdue.

Archive: https://archive.is/HdnBf For as poorly (I hear) as these workers have been treated for years, change is long overdue.
[–] 2 pts

Over 60% amazon hires are non-White

[–] 1 pt

Repercussions of a too big to exist centralized warehouse are a bitch.

[–] 1 pt

My understanding is that working conditions at Amazon facilities suck. But unions mostly just screw everything up, extract money from the union employees and does nothing in return.

The best solution for Amazon employees is to 1. Collect your money. 2. Do a good job. Learn a solid work ethic that will carry on into your next job. 3. And look for your first opportunity to move away from working for Amazon.

[–] 1 pt

The best solution for Amazon employees is to 1. Collect your money. 2. Do a good job. Learn a solid work ethic that will carry on into your next job. 3. And look for your first opportunity to move away from working for Amazon. 1. Be deported to Africa or Latin America.

I fixed that for you.