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[–] 9 pts 2y

OooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAYUM

[–] 5 pts 2y

This will end up at the US Supreme Court and if the decision is upheld, that means that all states, including private businesses which are "doing business" with the state or other governments will be liable. I'm thinks about all the medical personnel who were fired for not being "vaccinated". It also follows, that the US Military personnel who were discharged because of the same situation will be brought back on active duty or have their retirement rights restored. This case is a Big Deal and will be in the courts for years.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Yep, this ruling will likely go to the Appeal Courts first, then SCOTUS and as you say it will be in the courts for years unless it's somehow expedited. Until then people with be without relief or remedy and Clown world will still remain raison dejour.

[–] 0 pt 2y

A few more courts first, the NY supreme court is the lowest court in the state

[–] 1 pt 2y

It is absolutely not the lowest. It is the highest regular court, with only the appelet court above it. But the appelet courts do not rule on the content of the trial they are only ruling on whether all the laws were followed durimg the trial. It is not a retrial, it is a procedural technicality.

[–] 2 pts 2y

I wonder about guys like me, who refused the shot, but I was pressured by my employer for close to a year to get it. Had me SUPER STRESSED not knowing if I was going to suddenly lose my job because I refuse to take an experimental drug. All of the lost sleep, the arguments, that shit probably shaved years off of my life.

I should be able to go after the motherfuckers who created the conditions that placed this cruel, malicious pressure upon me. They weren't concerned about how the stress of this "vaccine mandate" was affecting us- and we know that prolonged stress has terrible effects on the body (including the immune system... HMMM) and get compensated for it.

During the entire covid hoax, I was wondering- the USA is the most litigious country on the fucking planet. WHERE THE FUCK WERE ALL THE LAWYERS, THE AMBULANCE CHASERS DURING THE GREATEST DISPLAY OF VIOLATING AMERICAN CITIZENS' RIGHTS THAT WE'VE EVER SEEN?! I was waiting for them to crawl out of the woodwork any day with a class action lawsuit, something like "The People of the USA v. The Center for Disease Control" or something like that, maybe on a smaller scale.

But not a peep from lawyers during all of this utter madness. What was being done to us was ABSOLUTELY, OBJECTIVELY, DEMONSTRABLY ILLEGAL under the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. That's not to mention the likely hundreds of other "smaller" laws they broke to fuck us- most of it is criminal, but it's all actionable/civil.

My guess- lawyers are generally not.... courageous folks. They often lack integrity and are VERY loose with their morals. They literally help actual murderers, rapists, etc., get away with their crimes, while knowing that their client is guilty. I'll never wrap my mind around this- how can you, as a man, sit in the same room as another person who admits to something horrific like strangling their own child to death for no reason and not fucking kill him? Think about the person who defended Ghislaine Maxwell. How on earth can you subdue your natural revulsion for monsters that literally prey on children to the point where you will defend that person?! If you can sort of "shut off" your morals the way that lawyers do (both prosecutors and defense), then you are a scumfuck degenerate, in my opinion, no better than the monsters you're working for.

With that perception of lawyers in mind... do you think many of them would have the balls to challenge the US government and the fucking hydra-like creature of the kike state? Many of them are in on it. Many more would not have the moral courage to try anything. It can't be a resource thing- if a lawyer popped up on Twitter and legitimately said "I just filed a lawsuit for all of you Americans, we're suing the fuckers who ruined your lives for the last 3 years. I'm a little short on cash, please donate. Here's proof that I'm actually doing it, and that getting results is possible.", he'd be up to his fucking eyeballs in cash in hours. He'd also likely have several crosshairs aligning on him, or he'd get a phonecall reminding him about some blackmail material somebody has on him... and then he'd suddenly back out of the whole thing, or die in a car crash or plane crash.

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[–] 1 pt 2y

Most lawyers are lefties, and likely fell in lockstep with the Communist pigs. Law is one of the jew's top chosen professions.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Friend of mine with autoimmune problems was scared into taking the vax and now sicker than ever. I'd hope this whole vax debacle slingshots back onto these murderous (((bastards))).

[–] 1 pt 2y

I remember when the hoax was first taking off, before any "officials" had even spoken about it, I thought "If they make a vaccine for this, I will do anything to ensure I get a dose for my family." This was back when covid was supposed to make people pass out and have horrific, violent seizures- before the truth of "It's just the flu, rebranded" was clear to me.

If the virus was truly deadly, there wouldn't have been a need to incentivize people to get it. Free fucking doughnuts or sandwiches with your experimental drug shot into you! They needed coercion and bribery to get smarter people to willingly take this shit. If there was a danger of my woman or child dying from this illness, you'd have to kill me to prevent me from obtaining a dose for them. But that's not what we see, that's not what it is. People don't want to get the shot because they see there's no need for it.

You know the most devastating way to shut up idiots who believe in the hoax? Ask them about the homeless population worldwide, or how African countries who function at a stone age or bronze age level survived this shit? If there's an outbreak of dysentery in Ethiopia, THE ENTIRE WHITE WORLD HAS TO COME AND RESCUE THEM, OR ELSE THEY ALL FUCKING DIE. No amount of teaching them "don't drink water that people shit in" has convinced them.

How about the homeless? During lockdowns, most of them were still out in the streets, living and sleeping in the elements. Vast majority of those people are addicts of one variety or another, and most of them are shooting up heroin or w/e. The homeless population has a ton of people with HIV/AIDS or otherwise compromised immune systems. They subsist on a diet of alcohol and w/e fried greasy shit some misguided (but well-meaning) passerby gives them. The homeless are malnourished, addicted to a variety of substances, live in the elements, engaging in promiscuous behavior that would blow your fucking mind, literally eat out of the garbage, haven't been vaccinated for anything since they were 10 years old.... AND THEY DIDN'T ALL END UP DEAD WITH COVID. How? How is this possible? They should've been the most vulnerable subgroup, they should've been fucking devastated by covid... if it was what we were being told.

Similar shit applies to Africa or any third-world shithole. Huge portions of their population with compromised immune systems, no hygiene to speak of... and somehow they didn't all fucking catch covid and die? Why aren't there entire generations of older Africans suddenly dead over the last 3 years from the coof? The answer to these questions is all the same: Because covid19 isn't what they told us it was. It's actually just a flu, renamed and rebranded. The medical establishment participates in this farce, and scares the shit out of people who test positive- this stresses the person out. They're afraid about losing their job or killing their grandma with their sickness. The stress hormone cortisol is being pumped constantly since they tested positive. Cortisol suppresses the immune system. A suppressed immune system is the difference between "catching a flu, having a rough 2-3 days and recovering" and "being laid out flat with a devastating flu for a week or longer".

I suspect that's what did most of the killing, alongside remdesivir.

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[–] 4 pts 2y (edited 2y)

That quote at the end is damning. ((( praump(pic8.co))))

[–] 3 pts 2y


That's a HUGE win.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Backpay = lower 3 amount of pay with fees and lowered interest rates to really throttle the amount of pay being disbursed. This is jew city after all ...

[–] 0 pt 2y

I don't understand basically anything in your commet.. must be New York lunacy.. Lower 3 amount of pay?

What kinds of fees/interest rates are applied to salaries in New York? Are you referring to taxes and devaluation due to inflation?

Does the employer have to at least payout the full salary regardless of what the terminated employee actually receives?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

NYC calculates pensions and backpays on the hi-3 system which uses the top 3 earning years for calculating your pension. This is ONE of the reasons the NYC pension system will crash and burn, because the laws around it are insanely liberal. When it comes to backpay anything, its the opposite, they use every sick day and dock that, and the lowest earning years to calculate how much to give you. Took a week off on vacation? Well now its your salary - 1 week pay, etc. On top of this, similar to the way the IRS does it, NYC can retroactively charge management fees and not charge any interest because technically, NYC can just say it was your fault and they werent obliged to do so

[–] 0 pt 2y

And that money isn't worth nearly what it was ~2 years ago when these people lost their jobs. $10 does not go nearly as far as it did back then, so any money these people get will likely be paltry.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

100$ now is like having 5$ 30 years ago, that's how noticeable the inflation has become. I make close to 500,000/yr and even I see problems with my dollar buying jack crap, let alone someone making way less than that

[–] 1 pt 2y

Sets a precedent for other state SCs. SUE SUE SUE!!!

[–] 1 pt 2y

So the government is saying "the government acted badly" and I'm supposed to be thrilled?

Let me know when the elite get arrested or hanged. Otherwise, it's bullshit theater to placate the public into believing "justice will be served"

[–] 0 pt 2y

I want to see criminal justice, too. But in the meantime, people being restored what was stolen from them is also just.

It’s frankly both.

[–] 1 pt 2y


Eat shit vaxxtards

[–] 1 pt 2y

Don't get too excited. In New York, the trial courts are called "Supreme Court". No precedent with this one until it goes to the "Court of Appeals".


[–] 1 pt 2y

I don't want to be a taxpayer in that jurisdiction.

[–] 0 pt 2y

It's especially juicy that the head of the CDC got covid.

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