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[–] 7 pts 3y

This is important, because Texas school boards have a disproportionate impact on text book publishers.

[–] 0 pt 3y


[–] 5 pts 3y

the relative population they control allows them to de facto standardize textbooks around their interests. In many ways red states get their books from Texas and blue states get their books from California.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts 3y

Okay so remember during the early stages of the Pandemic the media ran with articles on how the President has no say in how an individual state is run. Constitutionally they were correct. State governors imposed their own emergency orders, lockdown measures, closed schools & businesses, and lockdown duration independent of Trump. The media said it was perfectly okay. Now I'm reading how red states governors are passing anti critical race theory laws, 2A sanctuary states, and election ID reform. Within the next 4 years Harris/Biden will find a way to nullify those red state decisions and the very same media will say it's perfectly okay.

[–] 7 pts 3y

There are no principles, only pretenses

[–] 2 pts 3y

Might makes right.

Do what must be done, and the laws will follow.

[–] 3 pts 3y

They voted for Biden did they? Really?

Audit audit audit that election.

There's no way they voted for Biden.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Nice to hear a little bit of good news for a change.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I used to do construction out there, they all be rich white folks.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Is this even something to celebrate? Meanwhile, I'm guessing critical race theory is accepted and used in most of the rest of the US?

[–] 1 pt 3y

There are two reasons to celebrate here. Firstly, it means that young minds are not going to be poisoned and traumatized by this nauseous child-abusing, dreck, and secondly, it is a public defeat of an ideology that seemed unstoppable in its long slimy, putrefying, ooze through the institutions, which will encourage others to openly fight it. I hope this victory will inspire many others.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Yes. Critical race theory (and critical theory in general) is a central part of the propaganda effort to demoralise and demonise whites. If whites are getting wise to the trick then that's a victory. Up until now most normie whites have just let it happen.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The existence of school boards is insane. Imagine if a quasi-democratic committee decided what car you got to drive, or what food you were to be provided with and anyone successful was going to have to pay for those things for everyone "less fortunate."

[–] 0 pt 3y

When people speak up. Majority that care.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's not about winning for them, it's about slowly creeping into an area so they can make demands for their illegal buddies and commie teachers to get employed, reside and eventually out populate you. Once that happens, they vote themselves in, punish whites for staying, and sit back and watch the destruction of your city ensue.

It's what they've done in major cities for 80 years...and it's worked every time. You think small towns stand a chance ? You're right if you actually back up your "I'll kill the motherfuckers first" beliefs. If it's all talk (as it's always been) then the left will be resisted like a hot chainsaw through milk.

[–] 0 pt 3y

punish whites for staying

also punish Whites for leaving, so basically "punish Whites"