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[–] 9 pts 4y (edited 4y)

After seeing how easy it was convincing the public at large a pandemic was happening why wouldn't they?

Edit: If they try to take your guns it's because you will need them to stop what is coming next(A holodomer). The politicians are empty suits taking orders. Start protesting their owners before it's to late.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

Start protesting their owners before it's to late.

there's only one form of protest they will understand

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Sit ins like they did in the 1960s? The best you will get from here is ankle grabbers. Oh vey, Goyim.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Yeah, sit in their house and wait for them to come home

[–] 9 pts 4y (edited 4y)

>CNN defines a mass shooting as: a shooting incident which results in four or more casualties (dead or wounded) excluding the shooter(s).

That's the FBI's definition.

>Though some official gun violence data is available, the US federal government does not have a centralized system or database to track firearm incidents and mass shootings nationwide.

Yes it does you lying kike, it's the FBI crime database.

>According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which tracks some gun violence data, nearly 40,000 people were killed in incidents involving firearms in 2019

Almost 3/4s of that are suicides. A few more are accidents. Only ~10k are homicides, and most of those homicides are niggers or spics. The FBI tracks mass shooters, and once again the majority are non white.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yep, ask any Zog-bot Law Enforcement Officer or half-way decent statistician the overwhelming majority of firearm death (excluding self inflicted/ suicide) is 'Inner-city Gang or Drug related gun homicide'. !3/52 is a thing for a reason.

[–] 0 pt 4y

half-way decent statistician

Or have enough math under your belt to have taken a single stats class and pay attention . It honestly makes me sad how badly informed/knowledgeable the general public is. And yes, I understand that the vast majority aren't going to undertake the life-changing effort needed to buck an indoctrination system that has been perfecting it's subversion for literally centuries to go off and attempt to learn for themselves.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yea, totally agree. The complete lack of people doing the slightest amount of due diligence (made that much easier by the public accessibility to vast open repositories of research data, official documents, peer reviewed information etc) for anything and automatically buying into what ever agenda the Govt is selling almost defies belief, but then i look around and realise that most people i have to interact with day to day are completely fcking brainwashed, dumbed down useless breeders and eaters and just live to line the pockets of large corporates by consuming the latest and shiniest gee-gaw or bauble on offer .... Either flagrant degenerates or retarded vaccine damaged npc's.

[–] 4 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Covid has totally pushed the boundaries of false flag schemes. Knowing now what is possible makes these shooter events look like child's play. Until people wake the fuck up, it's hopeless. If people are willing to walk around in two masks, socially distance, and lock down with almost zero evidence given to them besides primetime news' motion graphics, they'll believe anything.

Half (or more) of the people in this country are empty-headed receptacles for whatever the elite want to put inside. They actually lack the capacity for independent thought. Without the structure of a particular narrative coming from particular sources, their world has no structure.

[–] 4 pts 4y

There is a study that showed that more than half the amount of people you see do not an internal monologue.

That gives credence to the thought that most people are NPCs. Sure they live and have families but without any ability to self internalize or even pray to God for that matter.

[–] 1 pt 4y

That is extremely interesting.

Prayer is an internal experience, you're more or less talking to yourself in your head for all intents and purposes.

I'm not a religious scholar, is prayer in the way Christianity does it similar to other faiths?

My thinking is as follows - sideline Christianity, mitigate a percentage of the populations ability to develop introspective thought. People who don't think introspectively are more susceptible to suggestion?


[–] 0 pt 4y

Prayer is an internal experience, you're more or less talking to yourself in your head for all intents and purposes.

Huh, prayer as an indoctrination method to get more people to start on their own internal dialog, thereby giving them a tool to at least start thinking for themselves?

Might be something to that, despite all the other hullabaloo around religions. Given proper scientific study it might be possible to extract this method and use it to help teach people how to properly think for themselves. But for that we need first take back our country and remove the non-Aryan peoples before science is allowed to once again follow reality instead of jew-approved PC-ness.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I think a lifetime of fluoride + other neurotoxins have aided in that

[–] 3 pts 4y

Fluoride (water), bromide (bread), and soy. The other halides block uptake of iodine which is VITAL for brain function. The soy lowers T which is vital for having a fucking spine. A calcified pineal gland is linked to dreamless sleep and less spirituality. Fluoride and bromide have been linked to this condition. Overload on iodine and cut the other halides.

Most men these days are basically teenage girls. Mindless, spineless npcs who only function in herds.

[–] 0 pt 4y

That's a very interesting point, the connection to prayer I mean. Wow.

[–] 0 pt 4y

More than half? It's worse than I thought.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Funny how you didn't hear too much about mass shootings while Trump was President.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Well there was the “biggest mass shooting” in American history, the staged Las Vegas gay-op. And the Parkland hoax, etc.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 4y

See how mamy races are identified as gunmen / perpetraitors, ready?


Tuesday, March 16 Atlanta, Georgia Eight people, including six Asian women , were killed when a White gunman stormed three spas, police said.

Stockton, California, March 17: Five people who were preparing a vigil in Stockton, in California’s Central Valley, were shot in a drive-by shooting, the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Department said. None had life-threatening injuries.

Wednesday, March 17 Stockton, California Five people who were preparing a vigil in Stockton, in California’s Central Valley, were shot in a drive-by shooting, the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Department said. None had life-threatening injuries.

Thursday, March 18 Gresham, Oregon Four victims were taken to the hospital after a shooting in the city east of Portland, police said in an initial report.

Saturday, March 20 Houston Five people were shot after a disturbance inside a club, according to police. One was in critical condition after being shot in the neck, the rest were in stable condition, according to CNN affiliate KPRC.

Saturday, March 20 Dallas Eight people were shot by an unknown assailant, one of whom died, according to police.

Saturday, March 20 Philadelphia One person was killed and another five were injured during a shooting at an illegal party, CNN affiliate KYW reported. “There were at least 150 people in there that fled and believed they had to flee for their lives,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said.

Monday, March 22 Boulder, Colorado

What a fucking joke!


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[–] 1 pt 4y

Every single one of those cities is a blue shithole

[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

"Pay no attention to the fake lynching in the news and my connections to the perpetrator of the hoax. Support my anti-lynching bill!"

-- Kamala Harris (more or less)

They are so corrupt and stoop so low that I can't believe anything anymore. The only thing I know for sure is that my government is run by evil people.

[–] 2 pts 4y

it's almost like people are angry at a fake administration

[–] 1 pt 4y

Article by (((Josh Berlinger))) , CNN.

[–] 1 pt 4y

its almost like we have a nigger in office again.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The jews will turn up the heat if they don't get their gun control. You just watch the media start reporting on every nigger shooting there is, but leaving out the crucial nigger part. People will rightly be aghast, but if they knew how much of it was niggers it wouldn't be gun control they clamor for.

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