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[–] 3 pts 23d

I don't understand what the big deal is. Why shouldn't we continue to send billions of dollars to people who hate us?

[–] 1 pt 23d

Not buying it. We have plenty to fix in the US

[–] 0 pt 23d (edited 23d)

Not only do i approve of ripping the foreign "aid" off all at once, we need to stop remittances too. Some countries receive about 25% of their GDP in remittances alone! Nepal is just one country where over 25% of their GDP is because of remittances.

Tajikistan 51%
Tonga 44%
Lebanon 36%
Samoa 34%
Kyrgyzstan 31%
Honduras 27%
Mexico 3.7% $61 billion
India 3.5% $128 billion

[–] 1 pt 23d

Oh, hell yeah. End remittances right now.