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You hate is justified.

You hate is justified.
[–] 0 pt last month

Trump gave you that option when not many did

There was always an option.

One tried to force you, the other betrayed you by using the trust and faith placed into him to manipulate you to take the vaccine and give the vaccine to your children as well.

[–] 0 pt last month

Idk, presidents opinions toward my personal medical decisions seem a bit much. I do remember the media tripping over each other to suck fauci, the kike who actually pushed it, the kike that was the highest paid government official whose job it was to be the person people trusted in the way you frame Trump. You're an idiot or ignorant if you are not aware of Trumps inability to say anything negative about anything to do with himself or what he's involved in. He tells you this. Again you're assigning blame away from the actual kike who did it. Why?

[–] 0 pt last month

I'm just making sure that the shabbos goy who helped kikes murder millions gets his share of the blame.