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[–] 0 pt 11d (edited 11d)

Anyone got a link with info on this Eliot Klein character? All the info I've pulled up just says that she "fell pregnant" miraculously and don't mention the abuser. OR that it was abuse at all.

... What did I just read?

She was 15 - being impregnated at that age is abuse as it is a child being impregnated. There is no such thing as a non-abuse impregnation of a 15 year old by a 40 year old.

[–] 0 pt 10d

No, I fully understand that. What I'm saying is that they have either gone to great lengths to conceal and/or gloss over this rape, OR this info isn't true. I just can't find any links that mention this jew Klein.

You would think out of the dozens of stories published gushing over her that one would mention WHO got her pregnant at 15.

I have no doubt this IS true, I just need a solid link saying so. I have a few friends that still somehow doubt the info I bring them.