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[–] 5 pts 2mo

Hey musk. Those pajeets aren't geniuses if they can't figure out they are being paid less for positions you value so highly. This isn't about innovation or lower wages. This is purely about White replacement and control over everyone else.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

That's part of the grift. The pay is lower here than what they could be getting, but it is so much more than what they'd be getting in India.

[–] 3 pts 2mo

Actually, there's a term: wage arbitrage.

Essentially, employers will look for the cheapest labor possible. Sometimes it's outsourcing, offshore or automation.

[–] 5 pts 2mo

Women in America still think they are payed 75 cents to the dollar of a Male. If that were true and the output were the same... No company would be hiring Men.

[–] 3 pts 2mo

Correct. Wage arbitrage is a negotiation tactic to lower wages for everyone. It doesn't help that our so called government is stealing part of our wages in at least two ways: taxes and counterfeiting the currency.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Right, which also happened when Women started entering the workforce in mass. If that did not happen, single income households would probably still be the norm.

The work that the Women typically would be doing is taking care of the kids/household. Not slaving in a office that most of them don't want to be in doing job's that they don't want just so they can pay someone else to raise their kids.

Importing a fuck load of Male and Female pajeet is only making it 100x worse.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

He’s going to make some money off of this. Somehow some way