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Source :https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite Archive: https://archive.ph/l0Tgs

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 19 pts 2y

the world jewish congress


[–] 8 pts 2y

At the 13th Plenary Assembly in Jerusalem in January 2009, Ronald S. Lauder was formally and unanimously elected as WJC president, having previously served as acting president.[129] Lauder was confirmed in his post by the 14th Plenary Assembly, which took place in Budapest in May 2013,[130] and for a third term by the 15th Plenary Assembly in New York, in April 2017.[131]

French banker Baron David Rede Rothschild serves as chairman of the WJC Governing Board, and Lebanese-born Chella Safra from Brazil is the treasurer of the organization.[132] Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress was named as chairman of the WJC Policy Council.

Although the WJC Executive Committee comprises almost 50 members,[133] including the heads of the 12 largest Jewish communities in the world outside Israel,[134] a smaller Steering Committee is running the day-to-day activities of the organization. It is composed of the president, the chairman of the WJC Governing Board, the treasurer, the chairmen of the five regional affiliates, the chairmen of the Policy Council, and other members.[135]

[–] 5 pts 2y

Does this means rotchilds have kike blood ?

[–] 6 pts 2y

The original Rothchild was a banker, he had a red sign with a star of david. Thats why the name Rothschild "Red Sign" was made.

[–] 6 pts 2y

Sorosly? They are The Kike poster family!

[–] 5 pts 2y

I don't know that having Jewish blood is as important to the World Jewish Congress leadership is as important as having Jewish money.


But... yes. The answer to your question is yes.

[–] 5 pts 2y

They are the very definition of kike.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

You’ve never seen the old movie The House of Rothschild? Have you been under a rock?

[–] 8 pts 2y

Prechosen ones.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts 2y

It's just any retard saying jews don't run everything just has to hear that. If it doesn't set off a light bulb in your head, then your brain doesn't work