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Source :https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite Archive: https://archive.ph/l0Tgs

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 2y

Does this means rotchilds have kike blood ?

[–] 6 pts 2y

The original Rothchild was a banker, he had a red sign with a star of david. Thats why the name Rothschild "Red Sign" was made.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Star of David is a Lie

Acts7:41 At that time they made a calf and offered a sacrifice to the idol, rejoicing in the works of their hands. 42But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets:

‘Did you bring Me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? 43You have taken along the tabernacle of Molech and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship.

Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Babylon.

[–] 6 pts 2y

Sorosly? They are The Kike poster family!

[–] 5 pts 2y

I don't know that having Jewish blood is as important to the World Jewish Congress leadership is as important as having Jewish money.


But... yes. The answer to your question is yes.

[–] 5 pts 2y

They are the very definition of kike.

[–] 2 pts 2y (edited 2y)

Yep, they just basically announced who controls the world monetarily, economically, politically and socially. They snap their fingers and they can intentionally destroy the borders and stock markets of a country to create recession, inflation and depressions.

Then they hike interest rates and prices, prohibit people from working and everyone has to get poisoned and live off of multiple credit cards they can't afford in the first place.

The jewry is the synagogue of Satan.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

You’ve never seen the old movie The House of Rothschild? Have you been under a rock?