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They can get away with whatever they want. The world is their oyster, and you’re just another cow in the herd to be used for their convenience.

That’s what they believe.

They can get away with whatever they want. The world is their oyster, and you’re just another cow in the herd to be used for their convenience. That’s what they believe.

(post is archived)

[–] 16 pts 3y

I almost blew up last summer when my neighbor's kids came over to play with mine wearing masks. They're like 4 and 8. I told their father they would have to take them off at my house since I refused to normalize fear and submission for my children.

I felt so bad for those kids as their parents kept them isolated from all the other kids whose parents weren't abusing their children with masks.

[–] 8 pts 3y

People missed fucking funerals for this.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Fucking funerals? That’s hardcore.

No, but seriously, you’re right and it’s disgusting.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Actually you gave me an idea for when I die.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Wasn't there a country or something that had to ban stripper funerals?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yup. I live in a foreign country and my wife passed earlier this year. None of my friends or family could attend the funeral or see our newborn daughter because of this fucking clown show.

[–] 1 pt 3y

These are the things we will hold on to. We will hold it close, tucked away just beneath our subconscious minds. Then, when the time comes that these "people" are held accountable (and they will be held accountable), when Men in ski masks are standing over their beds at three in the morning we will, with mindful and determined hands, pick these times up, dust them off, and bring them down like the gavel of justice and bludgeon our enemies who've hated us and sabotaged us through rubbing hands until every scale of justice is balanced. And we will prop up our flags with their piled bodies.

Okay I'm done venting for now.

[–] 5 pts 3y

This picture just supports importance of creating time machine so we can travel to the past and castrate these morons who decided to become parents and put this shit on their child.

[–] 4 pts 3y

What makes it even worse is the absolute fact that kids have almost zero chance of having problems while all the old satanic fucks at Obama thing are the perfect age groups to die from the super bug the most deadly corona1984 super virus of death with a 75% mortality rate the bodies are piling up in the streets S

[–] 2 pts 3y

You don’t have to put a mask on your kid. Barack Obama is literally smarter and more freedom-loving than the people bitching about what their kids are being subjected to.

[–] 8 pts 3y

Yep! Compliant white people love to point out "hypocrisy" but then follow the rules set up by the Democrats anyway.

White Boomers out there right now after seeing this picture, "The Democrats are the real super spreaders! At least I masked up my grandkids to keep them safe!!!"

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

They are laughing before they are torn to pieces. And they shall be cast into hell.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts 3y
[–] 2 pts 3y

they shall be cast into hell

They bought the tickets for that little boat ride long ago.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Not my kids. If you love your kids you should homeschool them. If you like your kids at the very least move somewhere that doesn’t require masks, or forbid them from wearing one and raise hell with the teachers if they try to make them go against your wishes. The stupid little cunt Greta got the kids out of school protesting for climate change, why isn’t anyone helping the kids arrange similar protests for mask requirements in schools?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Oy Vey! How could you say shomething sho antishemetic you schmuck!

[–] 0 pt 3y

Let them laugh. They're the ones who suck dick and fuck each other in the ass.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Does the dick sucking happen before or after the fucking in the ass?

[–] 1 pt 3y

That's an Obama question.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Barry or Mike?

[–] 0 pt 3y

I like how Bathhouse Barry is holding a (almost certainly) live mic while prancing around on stage. Wonder what he could say without a TelePrompTer? “This weed aight,” “Come up here, Michael,” dunno