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[–] 2 pts 3y

greatest innovation of our lifetime

(((They))) always have to add hyperbole to any woman's accomplishment in order to sell her to the public. This is much closer to the greatest (wo)man made disaster since coal burning single motherhood than it is to the greatest innovation in our lifetime. Additionally, I doubt it's actually her own creation since she stood on the shoulders of giants (men) to make this happen, including the men developing the plastics she undoubtedly used to make this bacteria happen.

Bacteria that consumes plastics is a ticking timebomb that wreak havoc on the entire world if it got out. It doesn't know that it should only eat waste plastics so it would eat ALL plastics including the ones we rely on for our safety and proper function of machines, devices and infrastructure. This would destroy the modern world and send us back to the stone age in a short time. This should never, ever be allowed to be used.

Thunberg is a piece of shit, but this woman could be worse because she could destroy the world with her "good intentions". Is she a jew perhaps?

[–] 1 pt 3y

man remember theranos? the blood testing tech company that made the whole thing up but a market valuation of 9 billion USD? the starlet of the medicine industry just to defraud everyone

[–] 1 pt 3y

I 'member, but that was a man not a woman. That was a tranny deluxe. Pretty sure it was a jew too.

[–] 1 pt 3y

the CEO was elizabeth holmes. thats a women, thats what made the company so popular in silicon valley. they had this genius you woman who has created a technology that can change the whole world

[–] 1 pt 3y

is she a jew

I did some research...no.