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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Well, sure. That’s why they are winning. And pussy conservatives are just watching it happen.

But, those leftist fucks will burn down some churches and kill some people. They will pull you out of your car and beat you to death. They will use sticks and bombs and guns and they will beat old people to death, they will pull people out of their shops and businesses and kill them, and the media covers for them.

AND NO ONE IS PUNISHED by the same orange idiot who promised dumb hicks that he was gonna round up the browns and kick them out (lie) or close the border (bolder lie - he didn’t) and build a wall (he exaggerated how much was built and lied) and drain the swamp (big lie) and arrest HilDawg and others (huge lie).

But I see people here and in other supposed right wing places talking about how dumb liberals are, and how cowardly. Meanwhile they are stomping on your balls every single day with impunity.

They are doing nothing but winning.