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[–] 2 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I feel this every time I ignore some kikery or other and then see the taxes on my paystub. And then I feel like a fucking coward.

[–] 2 pts 3y

all the sheep around me keep saying, "things seem to be opening up" in a tone that says "so it's all ok now" It's infuriating, so just because you are getting a little freedom back now means that the taking of it for a whole year is now ok? And also, no you're not getting freedom back, you have to keep getting vaccine booster shots so what's really happening is that you're allowed to rent your freedom by selling access to your body to the state so it can inject you with whatever the hell they want. so no you stupid sheep it isn't ok, and no you're not more free now than you were in the middle of the lockdown either.

[–] 1 pt 3y

‘murka in one cartoon.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

It doesn't feel as if anything will be normal again

[–] 0 pt 3y

Freedom is never more than whatever away if you forget whatever.

[–] 0 pt 3y

What freedoms do you desire that you do not already have?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

The right to ban niggers and kikes from White housing communities

[–] 0 pt 3y

So you’d also be okay with being banned from public spaces yourself? That’s how rights work.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Housing communities are not public spaces.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Are you guys enjoying the new invisiban formatting from Poal? They’re on our side though so its all good. @ronaldtrump

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

To add, not being able to view profiles, post, vote, pm, or comment without a waiting period have been "features" for about a month now.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It just shows how faggy the mods are

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

It's quite ironic, considering the prior statements against shadowbanning.