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[–] 2 pts 3y

correct! You reached peak Jew and no longer care what term the Jew Media labels you.

Jew media everywhere has burned out the jew media attack words :
"holocaust denier"
"white nationalist"
"hate group"
"anti jewish organization"
"hate speech supporter"
"zealot Trump supporter"
"scared White Boomers"
"intolerant hate group"
"christian zealot"
"superpatriot terrorists"
"christian puritans"
"white people"



The (((media))) burned out all their attack words! The word "racist" means NOTHING to anyone except a nigger or jew's ears. Whites all learned what "racist" meant in 2020... "Racist" is a word synonymous with "White person" and a useless jew trick smear.

you may as well just unabashedly pick your side and be content.

You are enlightened. You know that you might as well stop caring what the Jew media calls you.

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