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[–] 4 pts 3y

I'm in the category of I think whites are pretty damn good genetically, but we have some major flaws looking similar enough to jews to allow them in our countries and to use us as tax slaves and to fight their wars is a big one... white Christians being zionist and loving jews is a problem too.

White empathy allows to many whites to become liberal faggots and race traitors.

Way to many white faggots as well andntons of fat poor white trash whites we need more based alpha strong whites male and female

[–] 1 pt 3y

The zionism loving Christians are because of the shabbos-goy shill pastors who preach jewish propaganda. Also, I may be wrong, but I think it is mainly American Whites who are trashy, faggy and zionist because I didn't see any trashy tatted-up beached whales in Europe. I have a theory that much of the "White Trash" in the U.S. (Z.O.G.) have intermixed blood in them from interracial breeding, which was encouraged by the tiny hats.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Every single time until 1 day Hitler 2.0 or God. aA moral reckoning is coming it's here.

[–] 0 pt 3y

we need more based alpha strong whites male and female

Why do we need them? I don't need any. Why don't you just be one yourself.