That is so 2012. There's only one camp now, white supremacy.
Also please don't make the mistake of thinking white leftists hate themselves, they don't. They hate poorer whites than them. White leftists think they are the shit , the best thing since sliced bread. The revolutionaries teaching those brown savages how to think and behave, the good shepherd! Mini-Narcisses, all of them. Their creed is nothing more than the white man's burden rebranded.
They think they'll escape (or better, LEAD) the brown masses wrath if they simply pay lip service and virtue signal. Truth is they'll be the first victims when SHTF because they all live in multicultural hellholes. Tick tock.
“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves; it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders. On the other hand, it would be a mistake to regard the book-trained Socialist as a bloodless creature entirely incapable of emotion. Though seldom giving much evidence of affection for the exploited, he is perfectly capable of displaying hatred—a sort of queer, theoretical, in vacua hatred—against the exploiters. Hence the grand old Socialist sport of denouncing the bourgeoisie. It is strange how easily almost any Socialist writer can lash himself into frenzies of rage against the class to which, by birth or by adoption, he himself invariably belongs.” The Road to Wigan Pier, George Orwell, published 1936. These people aren’t a new phenomenon, nor are they particularly original.
It's easy for them because they're jealous, and want that power for themselves.
You don't get it, the socialists, the marxists, they're all coddled spoiled rich kids. It's easy for them to buy into socialism, they've experienced it their whole lives. They don't work, everything is handed to them, they only have first world problems. To them socialism makes sense, they've lived it, they don't understand all the work and misery that the people beneath them have to go through for them to enjoy their socialism. They're oblivious to that, their teachers are oblivious to that. Remember that convenience is a stronger drug than heroin, just like air, people seek the path of least resistance.
That's why they call it a theory and not fact.
No, it's try couch it in scientific jargons to lend it some credence and authority that people accept from hard science.
Saying that is RACIST and belittles them and discounts the Person of Color's conceptual tools and their more enlightened alternative way of thinking unshackled from the white Normativity and tyrannical white hegemony.
BIGOT!!! You are perpetuating systemic racism by doubting their belief systems based on the truism that whites are racists.
(post is archived)