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[–] [deleted] 15 pts 3y

That is so 2012. There's only one camp now, white supremacy.

Also please don't make the mistake of thinking white leftists hate themselves, they don't. They hate poorer whites than them. White leftists think they are the shit , the best thing since sliced bread. The revolutionaries teaching those brown savages how to think and behave, the good shepherd! Mini-Narcisses, all of them. Their creed is nothing more than the white man's burden rebranded.

They think they'll escape (or better, LEAD) the brown masses wrath if they simply pay lip service and virtue signal. Truth is they'll be the first victims when SHTF because they all live in multicultural hellholes. Tick tock.

[–] 5 pts 3y

“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves; it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders. On the other hand, it would be a mistake to regard the book-trained Socialist as a bloodless creature entirely incapable of emotion. Though seldom giving much evidence of affection for the exploited, he is perfectly capable of displaying hatred—a sort of queer, theoretical, in vacua hatred—against the exploiters. Hence the grand old Socialist sport of denouncing the bourgeoisie. It is strange how easily almost any Socialist writer can lash himself into frenzies of rage against the class to which, by birth or by adoption, he himself invariably belongs.” The Road to Wigan Pier, George Orwell, published 1936. These people aren’t a new phenomenon, nor are they particularly original.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's easy for them because they're jealous, and want that power for themselves.

[–] 1 pt 3y

You don't get it, the socialists, the marxists, they're all coddled spoiled rich kids. It's easy for them to buy into socialism, they've experienced it their whole lives. They don't work, everything is handed to them, they only have first world problems. To them socialism makes sense, they've lived it, they don't understand all the work and misery that the people beneath them have to go through for them to enjoy their socialism. They're oblivious to that, their teachers are oblivious to that. Remember that convenience is a stronger drug than heroin, just like air, people seek the path of least resistance.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

So true, but now you sound like a racist to 70% of liberal college students with your hate thoughts and they think you should be forced to attend a 2 hour lecture on campus on CRITICAL RACE THEORY

CRITICAL RACE THEORY will educate you better

You will learn to capitalize "Blacks" but not "whites", as OP image already did in OP post, because we must replace white Normativity with the Marginalized Identities .
To tear down and rebuild America justly, for the just goal of intersectional liberalism , we must deconstruct the hegemony created by unfair meritocracy of white people.
Healthy social forces pull people together, but racist hate policies worshipping IQ by the oppressors, are centrifugal destructive forces .
Diversity via greater immigration is a tool that will extinguish the vile toxic exclusions of past white tyrants .
Standardized tests are causing harm by disregarding the hiring and contributions of future Black scientists and mathematicians, via unfair racist practice of college grades, and meritocracy .
We must embrace the radicalization of the engineering workforces by stimulating anger and activism in the downtrodden People of Color , to empower identities based on fairness and intersectional agendas.
Social Justice is needed to bolster our centering of fairer values , and eliminate disparities of pay.
History books were written by whites and now need revisionism and atonement for the damages caused by Western civilization.
The straight white Christian man cannot recognize his evil and racist existence , because he claims superiority and privilege .
The arrogant entitled children of the whites, must be subjected to lengthy annual re-education in the classroom and be made aware of their white guilt and inherent systemic racism.
Stolen lands by white colonial invaders must be returned to the Meztizos and Native Americans, La Raza now !
We must recognize that race is merely a social construct , and not based on DNA. IQ is a myth. We are all Brothers and all completely equal .
Mining and Oil corporations must all be nationalized and reapportioned to Blacks and Native American families , and majority run by People of Color.
Racism is a horrible disease, and a baseball bat is sometimes the only cure.
The valuable patents of the white man should all be seized and be redistributed equitably to a POC trust that disburses monthly payments to Blacks to atone for countless Black inventions stolen by the whites.
Formerly white nations will be much better when fascist prejudiced xenophobe whites are eliminated from society and white identity is extinguished and neutered .
These systems of power and oppression never exist when a female LGBTIP2SQQAPKA is offered a chance to head a department bestowing her knowledges and her form of conceptual tools.
Equality of dignity among all formerly overlooked persons must be embraced, and white bigots eliminated from their former power systems of degradation.
Qualitative Income for the new companies to form, is more important than mere Quantitative "money based" income . Fairness has no price . We all must be paid the same.
The white people and zealot Trump supporters can never understand the experiences of People of Color , nor centripetal dynamics of intersectionality needed to counteract ignorant white thinking .
Systemic racism must be demolished just as white privilege must be demolished, and financial reparations to all People of Color is paramount.
People of Color demand to take back the countries stolen by whites and built by Black slaves , by enacting laws barring whites from corporate boards, and limiting white new-hires unless no alternative.

The revolutionaries teaching those brown savages how to think and behave, the good shepherd.

Actually the revolutionaries will need to re-educate you and all smug white children with periodic courses on CRITICAL RACE THEORY.

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[–] 0 pt 3y

That's why they call it a theory and not fact.

[–] 1 pt 3y

No, it's try couch it in scientific jargons to lend it some credence and authority that people accept from hard science.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Saying that is RACIST and belittles them and discounts the Person of Color's conceptual tools and their more enlightened alternative way of thinking unshackled from the white Normativity and tyrannical white hegemony.

BIGOT!!! You are perpetuating systemic racism by doubting their belief systems based on the truism that whites are racists.

[–] 4 pts 3y

I choose to be non binary.

Sig Heil.

[–] 4 pts 3y

I'm in the category of I think whites are pretty damn good genetically, but we have some major flaws looking similar enough to jews to allow them in our countries and to use us as tax slaves and to fight their wars is a big one... white Christians being zionist and loving jews is a problem too.

White empathy allows to many whites to become liberal faggots and race traitors.

Way to many white faggots as well andntons of fat poor white trash whites we need more based alpha strong whites male and female

[–] 1 pt 3y

The zionism loving Christians are because of the shabbos-goy shill pastors who preach jewish propaganda. Also, I may be wrong, but I think it is mainly American Whites who are trashy, faggy and zionist because I didn't see any trashy tatted-up beached whales in Europe. I have a theory that much of the "White Trash" in the U.S. (Z.O.G.) have intermixed blood in them from interracial breeding, which was encouraged by the tiny hats.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Every single time until 1 day Hitler 2.0 or God. aA moral reckoning is coming it's here.

[–] 0 pt 3y

we need more based alpha strong whites male and female

Why do we need them? I don't need any. Why don't you just be one yourself.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Theres a 3rd choice. WHITE RAGE!

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

I didn't choose white supremacy; its in my blood, given to me by the soil my ancestors came from.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Niggars don't understand that, Jews don't care about that. Their father Satan is not of this world and neither are they.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I read a comment that I agreed with once that said there’s no amount of virtue signalling that will appease the left, when they come for you they’ll do it with the same venom they do with their outright enemies, so you may as well just unabashedly pick your side and be content.

[–] 2 pts 3y

correct! You reached peak Jew and no longer care what term the Jew Media labels you.

Jew media everywhere has burned out the jew media attack words :
"holocaust denier"
"white nationalist"
"hate group"
"anti jewish organization"
"hate speech supporter"
"zealot Trump supporter"
"scared White Boomers"
"intolerant hate group"
"christian zealot"
"superpatriot terrorists"
"christian puritans"
"white people"



The (((media))) burned out all their attack words! The word "racist" means NOTHING to anyone except a nigger or jew's ears. Whites all learned what "racist" meant in 2020... "Racist" is a word synonymous with "White person" and a useless jew trick smear.

you may as well just unabashedly pick your side and be content.

You are enlightened. You know that you might as well stop caring what the Jew media calls you.

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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Don't much give a flying fuck what they think either way.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

They don't think. No logic no reason dwells within them.

[–] 0 pt 3y

No logic, no reason, dwells within your statement either, does it.

[–] 0 pt 3y

So, what, do we just shoot them? I much prefer, and this is just me here, but I much prefer to be reasonable.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Can you reason with the rabid dog?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yes. At least the dog would eventually stand down. Typically no though.

[–] 0 pt 3y

This right here is why it's useless trying to appease these retards. If they think I'm a supremacist, I might as well fucking make it worthwhile.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The only reason that their tactics have worked so far is that whites have too much empathy and enough critical thinking to consider that it really might be them that is the problem. These tactics will never work on jews or blacks because they are incapable of even considering that they are the problem. That even extends to asians, though asians at least produce more than they consume.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

It’s what’s known as a double bind. Sociopaths use this tactic all the time.

“You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists”

[–] 0 pt 3y

I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks I should or shouldn't be.

It's a real shame that you're locked into that "double bind".

Why don't you just decide, all on your own, not to be? Be whoever the hell you want to be.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

I’m illustrating a point.

Do you really think I’m the kind of person who falls victim to this?

The real problem is that the sociopaths have managed to gaslight an society into believing this binary choice is reality.

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