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[–] 8 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Feel free to go through my comment history and count how many times i say 'I just want to be left alone'

Ive got nothing but the rented roof over my head and that which is in it. No family. If the hammer drops my bike gets loaded up within minutes and im in the hills in about 3 hours and in the high country in 5 in a bend in a river i spent a good portion of 12 years at with nothing but mountains and trees between me and town. There is no one to drag with me or leave behind any more. Here or a tent in the woods, not having any one else around aint a big deal to me. LOOOOOOOOOOOL toilet paper... knobs.

It would not be wise to try and take that away from me at this point. Im ready for what comes after. To give up and slit my wrists or saying stuff it go on then with the vaccine will end in the same way. Thats it. Stick a fork in ya. Ya done. We were told 2000 years ago no matter what gets thrown at you, you say no to that.

I wont be going to their door. But they wont be coming past mine.

I would, much rather, just slip away into the countryside go bushman for a while please dont make me have to spend time digging shallow graves for people i really dont want to mess with just so i can leave.

[–] 1 pt 3y

in 5 in a bend in a river i spent a good portion of 12 years at with nothing but mountains and trees between me and town. There is no one to drag with me or leave behind any more.

Being able to isolate from the world for a while would be very valuable when it's going crazy. There will be a period of chaos and high danger, followed by calm when people have died off or established some kind of hierarchy of order. Then it's safer to re-enter society.

[–] 0 pt 3y

spend time digging shallow graves for people

bah, just feed em to the hogs