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[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Assimilation, to 100%, is not possible. This is because of behavioral genetics. As the migrant population increases, especially through reproduction, so to will the rate of those unable or unwilling to assimilate. This is why immigration of those not closely related to the host demographic is ultimately a net cancer on any society. You can't "become" American anymore than you can "become" English, Japanese, etc. All you can do is move here, get legal status, and spread your degenerate DNA. To deny our ethnic roots is to deny history. America was, and should always be, for the white, land owning, protestant, free man.

[–] 4 pts 4y

the key word the judge uses is "Should" This is the idea that classical liberals and conservatives need to get over. Yes they "Should" do these things, YET when you look at how humans actually have behaved for a century we can see that they Don't . And therefor we need to accept that harsh reality and adapt our thinking.

This is the racial reality that conservatives need to come to.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I understand your assessment, but it is based on hindsight and will do nothing for us now.

As of today, we have to demand 100% assimilation, not 99.99%, 100%. The moment you admit even the possibility that 100% isn’t attainable, then you end up with Weimar (where we will be next week). Even if you know you won’t GET 100%, you ALWAYS demand and work for it. Anything less is capitulation to the leaches.

I sure as hell hope it’s not too fucking late.

[–] 1 pt 4y

As of today, we have to demand 100% assimilation,

White people don't want to "assimilate" with niggers, and should never be forced to do so.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

100% isnt possible, because the united states is where all the best of the british people went. nobody that isnt descended from that group can assimilate and theres not a single modern immigrant that can assimilate 100% because that group no longer exists.

your heart is certainly in the right place, but trying to force a square peg into a round hole doesnt work no matter how much you want it to, the genetics simply arent there.

[–] 0 pt 4y

You mean we aren't all indians?