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[–] 9 pts 4y

Gaddafi was a great man.

Fucking kikes....

[–] 4 pts 4y

His only flaw was believing in feminism, because his famed harem of elite battle vixens was 100% useless when it counted.

[–] 1 pt 4y

famed harem of elite battle vixens

Ha! I’ve thought for a while Africa is being saved as undeleveloped territory for a later date. Sure, a real sovereign gold-based currency would be “bad,” but I think it’s more than that.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I'm not sure that we want to go to Africa. North Africa was pretty grand, until the various niggers/dunecoons took over and turned it into a sandlot, but the rest of Africa is riddled with crazy diseases. It's got resources and vistas out the wazoo,and it is stupidly huge, far larger than White lands, but would it be worthwhile?

I do, however, think that Madagascar is an undeveloped territory, and that the Polish were right: all the kikes need to be shipped there and locked in there forever in order to develop it.

[–] 0 pt 4y

What'd he do?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Dared starting a pan-African gold backed currency without the (((Central Banking))) cartel.

He was also holding back the migrant hordes that have now destroyed Europe.

The quickest ways to earn a rothschild fatwa. Fuck with the Kalergi plan, or fiat.

[–] 0 pt 4y

What was the official story?

[–] 4 pts 4y

His only mistake was giving (((them))) what they wanted. Back in the 80's when they wanted Libya to be branded a terrorist state, he had people close to him telling him to just go along with it because they'd get so much in return. Never listen to the grasshoppers of the world when you're an ant.

He should've had those people publicly executed, refuse (((their))) demands, accept the hardship of continued sanctions, and focus on developing his country without foreign assistance. Even if it took twenty years before he could start to see anything develop from the effort, everyone would be better off for it.

[–] 0 pt 4y

What do you mean by "so much in return?", what benefit would there be to pretend they were a terrorist state?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

If you act like you have WMDs, you have a certain level of international respect. See Israel's nukes. Israel's case is complex pilpul aimed at making people believe and not believe in their Schrodinger's nukes, so that they can reap the benefits of both positions at the same time.

[–] 3 pts 4y

"We came, we saw, we slaughtered" "Bwahahahaha!" ~Hillary Clinton.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

he was killed because he wanted to kick the rothschild central bank out of Libya and switch to a gold and silver backed currency. fucking kikes.

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

This is true, and funny. But.

I was thinking about this, and frankly, if you are tech saavy, do banks have a future? I mean, do banks REALLY have a future?

Think about this. You can store the value of your savings in crypto. You can get it out of crypto. If any one crypto becomes accepted by everyone globally, why would you store the value of your savings in a bank?

I'm not even sure if crypto can ever be made illegal because you can always go underground and trade person to person / darkweb.

I am actually starting to get scared of banking because they are backed by the fiat system which, while it is accepted by everyone, has the backing of governments that are no longer trusted and central banks that everyone is starting to became aware are a jew mechanism for controlling the world.

If crypto can:

1) Gain acceptance by everyone on the globe (not yet)

2) Be traded instantly (currently there are high transaction costs in terms of fees and actual time it takes to complete a transaction)

I am starting to feel crypto is much much much safer than a bank that is exposed to the kinds of risks that fractional lending is exposed to. Fractional lending is basically a pyramid scheme with a floor, meaning that like crypto, they invent money out of thing air BUT they can only do it to a maximum level of 12 divisions or something like that. I haven't looked i up in a while, but it's true. All the conspiracy Q retreads keep on talking about how the fiat system creates money out of thin air, and while technically true as the floor is only guaranteed by humans and not math, banks can only fractionalize the money they borrow from the central bank to a fraction of 12 or something like that. This is exactly the same as in crypto where math defines the maximum amount of mined value in the system. Where the nutcakes are correct is that the central banks control the floor and can start printing money out of thin air like they are doing now, in a crypto world, you have a fixed floor like you would on the gold standard.

So, this meme is funny for obvious reasons and banks are raking in the money, but, holy shit. If people every realize that crypto is more stable than the banking system, the switch to crypto will fucking de-stabilize all banks. The only thing that will prop up banks besides the government is that they own all of the mortgages and solid assets ... so it might not be quite so sudden ... but man, we are about to go through a world of hurt.

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[–] 0 pt 4y

Yep, crypto is the future. Every option (fiat, metals, crypto) has its own risks and pros vs cons list. Crypto has moved way up the list with the legitimacy it's gained over the last few years. And it's only 13 years old. In another decade it'll increase in popularity which will improve stability.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I was thinking about how to think about strategic divestment. Right now, I am starting to visualize crypto as the new bank / store of value, however from a risk management perspective I am thinking of it as a diversify according to risk tolerence.

In other words, I won't be putting all my savings in crypto but moving value in and out as I get a better understanding of current and future risk as the real world politics develop.

[–] 0 pt 4y

you have more ascending to do. Fuck crypto, its only an evolution of beast system. They will/do control it & exploit it just as they do with the fiat generation.

The root of the problem is not 'what' means of currency you use, but 'that' you use currency.

Understand that you already have maximum value (ie- your life) and that everything else which detracts from maintaining/improving it represents loss; including futile attempts to 'make money' in the exploiitation idolotry systems they create; be it fiat or crypto or precious metals. Paper, private keys, and shiny coins do not add value to your life - instead they waste your energy;mentally and physically. Consent to use them in exchange for what you need represnets consent to the authority controlling them; the third party who benefits - in the case of fiat, the government printing it. In the case of crypto; the (((miners))) who mine it or the energy cartel who the miners pay (or in the case of Monero's unaccountable blockchain presumably the CIA or Mossad or whoever may have set that chain up in the first place - or who hijacked it after the fact).

And by the way, you notice how 'both generations' of money: fiat and crypto are co-existing at the same time? As such, the same elite can simply print money to buy crypto. Since 'everyone has a price'. Given this magic wand capability, how do you know 90% of all crypto is not already in the hands of a Few? How does believing and using crypto benefit you and not them ?

Instead, acknowledge that the world has unlimited resources/potential for you but it was not designed to give it all to you on a silver platter; the world has everything everyone needs just not what everyone wants. Conveniently we are trained to 'want' everything from dopamine hits to 'systems that make our lives easier' ie- via the currencies and governments that enslave us. Tricking us to want everything, while ignoring our true needs & purpose, allows them to inflict genocide by our own hands; the karma is on us if we consent which of course most do.

The next generation of money is not 'money' at all, it is a rejection of cult behavior they perpetuate upon us from all directions; recognition of your own individual power which emmanates from within and living based on the needs & care of the greatest token of value you already have; the temporary body & mind you've been given which is clearly designed to advance the blood which flows within it to continue the flow further. It seems that all belief systems, including the most powerful one that is 'money' is directed at fooling us into ignoring this gift; and thus stopping the flow of blood; ie- a great energy force you have which otherwise represents power they don't. They thus want you to fail, they want your bloodline to fizzle out with you jerking off to the things that money buys and as an insurance policy for those that fail at acquring the drug of money they have a free version ie- porn, fast/cheap food and government handouts to cater to all 'classes' on the human specrum such that the self-inflicted genocide carries out either way.

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[–] 0 pt 4y

Wasn’t it an American soldier that filmed all that? I remember seeing clips 100x before I ever seen the one where he turns the camera on himself.