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[–] 6 pts 4y

This has always been the case. Any article claiming otherwise is a kike piece of propaganda.

Less than 30% of women even "cared" about getting the privilege to vote. Yet jews will tell you it was an extremely serious issue of oppression.

Similar holds true for just about everything. It's all an attack on women, and it's obvious.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Like its so fucking stupid.

If I was a woman (thank God I am not). Why would I gave up absolute paradise for the rat race?. Not only would I have the greatest gift bestowed on mankind, the ability to produce life. I had to pay no taxes and couldn't be drafted.

My day was cleaning the house, doing the dishes and making dinner for my husband and children when they came home. Something that would leave many free hours during the middle of the day to participate in things like reading or whatever. In exchange for this, I wouldn't have to worry about paying the mortgage, or for food, or for clothes or for my car.

And when the jew decided it wanted to wage war, I could stay at home and get a job building planes or whatever while sadly my husband died in combat fighting for my mixed race transgender great grandchildren.

Why would any woman want to give that up, unless they are brainwashed retards.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Why would any woman want to give that up, unless they are brainwashed retards.

why u askin' rhetorical questions

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

>Less than 30% of women even "cared" about getting the privilege to vote. Yet jews will tell you it was an extremely serious issue of oppression.

I wonder if a (((certain group))) is responsible for women's suffrage among the leadership of First Wave feminism...?

Could that same group also be the one who fucked up the White tradition of arranged marriage for their tradition of subversive love marriage...?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yes jews are behind women's suffrage.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

Women... wants.

If an article is written by someone who can't get subject-verb tense agreement in the title, i automatically lose any interest in what the author has to say about anything else.

[–] 2 pts 4y

The grammar is correct, when she says “women” she is referring to team which is a singular.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

The grammar is not correct. Collective nouns don't work like that. Is "the team puts on their jersey" or "the team put on their jerseys" correct? Collective nouns have sanctioned uses, but the one in the OP is not one of them.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 4y
[–] 0 pt 4y

When using team names they’re treated as singular. Pretty much nobody other than Australians seems to get that right but it is correct grammar. So while “Manchester United are playing Liverpool” is how most people would both say and write it, the correct structure is “Manchester United is playing Liverpool.” That’s what I’m referring to, that if you assume the journo views “women” as the team then she would apply singular grammar.

[–] 3 pts 4y

I almost feel bad for career women. On one hand, they were lied to about being flawless princesses that’ll get their very own prince, and on the other, they sowed the seeds of their own destruction by promoting feminism.

The only way we’re legally getting back to some sense of normality is if women voluntarily choose to roll back all their bullshit “rights.” No more voting, no more no-fault divorce, no more marital “rape” laws, and very limited working rights (women shouldn’t be working unless they are exceptionally talented, like Marie Curie).

[–] 2 pts 4y

And also back then, women had to prove themselves, and they had the entire community bitch slapping them back into place

[–] 2 pts 4y

It also used to be that if you grabbed a woman by the ass, she’d either giggle or slap you - none of this #metoo bullshit you see today. Women back then had thicker skin, because society was tougher in general.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Is there actual historical context for this? This is news for me.

[–] 2 pts 4y

The author is implying that staying home with the kids is a "financial luxury" _for single moms and divorced moms_.

Nothing about being a single mom is a "luxury", and describing it as such is deleterious to women, and to men, and therefore to the children they create and care for.

The author's connotation is passive-aggressive destructive garbage, and it smells like pilpul bullshit written by a fucking retarded degenerate jew who's trying to manipulate the reader into participating in the author's little fantasies about the good points of being a failure as a parent.

"Journalists" are garbage.

[–] 1 pt 4y

They had that already, another example of women having no clue

[–] 1 pt 4y

you literally had that 30+ years ago. they have no idea what they want.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote or work, and why they need strong men in their lives to tell them what to do. They need to be told what to do. Give them free reign and they simply turn in to self-serving, spiteful psychopaths. Literally. We live our lives being choked by the devil, in this world of whaling and gnashing of teeth— because girls just wanna have fun, and if God tells you not to do something, well then, "what's the worst that could happen? *tee-hee *"

[–] 0 pt 4y

Women now make some bad choices when it comes to men, the hard working intelligent group should be top of the pile, instead the violent low IQ ones have just as much chance. This is probably down to a drift away from religious communities, where strong reliable men were valued, now it's basically down to social status, money, height and attractiveness. This would be manageable if people were still getting married, but we aren't. There's no social pressure to deter women from sleeping with the same genetically fortunate men until their late 30's.

The jew media sold women on 'having it all' and being childless in order to achieve that, and it's only decades later that they are realising that this has consequences.;

There is also a lot of blame to be aimed at men - stop sleeping with women of low morals and stop thinking that porn is reality. If those are the standards you are going to hold women to, then women will adapt to this and you'll get further generations of e-thots.

Start calling out the simps who pander to them but don't just sit there blaming women for all this, because that's just admitting the jew owns you. Build something better to offer women

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

40 year old used up office whore

wants kids someday

lol na boss

[–] 0 pt 4y

They only need to stay with you 20 years, have a couple kids, quit work for depression lay on a couch for a couple years then dump you, get alimony until 65, half of everything you earned and half your pension. Stupid cunts have it made.

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