It used to be standard men's entertainment in the UK. You can see it a lot in old war movies. Bunch of guys taking a break and one of their colleages comes out in a ridiculous woman-costume and starts dancing around. Everyone laughs then they get back to work.
There's a similar scene in das boot come to think of it.
Theres a scene like that in Under Siege. Gary Busey dresses in drag to entertain the troops.
Yep. Hell, I remember a group of friends doing it as a teenagers for a talent contest. Men in dresses are inherently comical.
I was in that group! Or I have a similar story and yes, it was hilarious. It went over extremely well with everyone.
Hell I dressed up as Avril Lavigne only some 15 years ago for Halloween and it went over well. Sucks how quickly things change.
(post is archived)