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[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

they don't have principles... Their philosophy is "Will this benefit me at the present moment?"

[–] 0 pt 4y

Atleast they also don't think "how could it me hurt on the long run"

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

That's the problem. Principles consider the long term impact. Convenience does not.

They're what bankers call "useful idiots". They're basically assembling a gun, loading it, and handing it to people who will use it on them.. . just a little later.

Right now, they don't give a shit about lockdowns because to they can work at home. When the economy tanks, they'll hilariously be demanding freedom. lol

Patton Oswalt told everyone to quit whining about lockdowns and just "watch netflix and order in". They're so oblivious, they think everyone has jobs that work like that.