Anonymous tips may be reported on this form and may also be reported to ICE via the toll-free ICE Tip Line, (866) 347-2423.
Anonymous tips may be reported on this form and may also be reported to ICE via the toll-free ICE Tip Line, (866) 347-2423.
Great. High school near me has a problem with day workers standing nearby while they wait to be picked up. About 50 every day.
Pick em up and take them directly to ICE. Use a box truck so they can't see where they're going. Scatter some cheap harbor freight tools inside so as not to tip them off.
Bye bitch. Hope the cartel murders you.
This is how the checkpoints should be operating.
Man, whatever I'm sick with is really fucking with me. I swear I read that as "ICE is executing immigrants at checkpoints in Texas."
I did too and I was like damn, Trump really is taking a page from the jews.
Why wouldn’t they deport illegal immigrants without other records of crime? They’re ILLEGAL. So they did a crime. I’m glad they’re doing their jobs now anyway.