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[Video Only](https://rumble.com/v2savnk-agenda47-addressing-rise-of-chronic-childhood-illnesses.html) [Source Article](https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/06/06/watch-trumps-plans-to-hit-big-pharma-investigate-rise-of-autism-obesity-infertility/)

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 1y

Had 4 years to do this. If he thought it was important, why let 8 years worth of babies get poisoned b4 implementing... and that's IF he can get back in the Whitehouse.

Con man.

[–] 1 pt 1y

So just fix every major institution that's been corrupted over the period of a century while the public is working against you based off of lies, while the intel agencies are listening to every breath you and everyone three degrees from you takes. Yeah, what a turd for not fixing that. Glad all you do is throw shit because without your shit throwing, we'd be much worse off.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Why the fuck would he have to fix every institution to not endorse an untested gene therapy?

Coulda just said "wait a minute, maybe rushing into this shit at warp speed isn't such a good idea..."

[–] 0 pt 1y

Why the fuck would he have to fix every institution to not endorse an untested gene therapy?

Seems your shallow thinking fails to see the interconnectedness of everything. Your name makes sense now.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I hate to say I agree. He should have eo'ed the fuck out of everything like the dems do.

[–] 0 pt 1y

How many years you think it took to get to this point...use your brain not your emotions.

[–] 0 pt 1y


And I suppose it was also necessary to poison BILLIONS of people and literally change their DNA... all just part of the good guys plan.

Wake up.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I like how you think it's Trumps responsibility to make the decision for everyone but refuse to acknowledge responsibility for everyone's individual choice. At a minimum you have severely misdirected anger. Honestly why is anyone taking med advice from Trump? He's the CEO, he signs the check. Why are you not blaming the jew companies that produced the vaccine and lied to everyone?

[–] 0 pt 1y

He didnt rule the world...right?

[–] 0 pt 1y

Guys be nice to lurker. He's a dumb boomer that is easily fooled by pretty words. He fell for the Q shit, he has questionable judgment but he means well.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Went after me, but I notice you didn't address the comment.


[–] 5 pts 1y

Autism - shots. Obesity - Food pyramid combined (up to 12 servings of carbs a day?) with HFCS and soy in everything Infertility - see autism and obesity

[–] 2 pts 1y

What an odd video from him. Almost sounds as if he's spent too much time in the political arena. "Hey, guys! This time it'll be different!!!" Everyone would like to know the truth, but how much will that take? When, if ever, will the American people know the truth? And the whole truth, at that.

[–] 2 pts 1y

How about the deep State and the rushed experimental mRNA gene based therapy you put your name to , ya big orange joo slurping faggot.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Yeah that was all Trump. Be sure to attack Trump and not the kikes that lied to him.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Don't be an NPC, or do I don't care. Just don't expect the rest of us to be as dense as you.

If anything needs to be "uncovered" with regards to big pharma it's the last 3 years of blatant tyranny. Not obesity and autism, that comes after. Or do you have a different way of prioritizing things that is backwards from logic and reason?

If you don't recognize that for the distraction it is then your an idiot and a fool.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Pharma is a big wound to open. Sv-40 virus gave millions cancer from the polio vaccine. What about those people. It's still around because it's sexually transmitted. So again, it's multi generational but Trump had to fix that along with everything else in 4 years. Yeah, I'm the dense one, lol.

[–] 0 pt 1y (edited 1y)

Or.... wait for it. Attack the dumb faggot for not retracting his 'Father of the vaccine' claiming it's great and works statement while authorizing millions of Whites to be purposely poisoned, did nothing about the deep state and purposely surrounding himself with kikes - who then told him to listen to other kikes - when everyone said it was a bad idea.

He'll tell his voting base whatever he needs to. He single handedly signed Operation Warp 'sped' into action, bc he listened to the exact same people he originally said he would get rid of - you're ridiculously stupid.

[–] 1 pt 1y

desanctus won't touch this issue with a 10' pole, and if he does, bye bye mega donors.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I dunno. He can suck enough jew dick to get some good things done, but this might be a conflict of interest to them

[–] 1 pt 1y

I hope this happens...They feed us poison, give us poison to drink, shoot us up with it, dip our clothes in it, spray us with it, and tell us to dose ourselves with it. No wonder America is a sick and dying nation.

[–] 1 pt 1y

He PROMOTED pfizer and moderna vaccines like there was no tomorrow. He proudly "accelerated" the development and aproval of such poisons.

Is he going to accept his responsability for millions of deaths?

He is controlled oposition.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I've debated and won this argument a half dozen times here.

All Trump did was to declare war on Covid, use his war powers to create Project Warp speed, hand it's management off to Pence to head the public/private partnership with CDC, NIH, BigPharma and ClubMed to create the vaccine and roll out plan. The govt had to rely on private expertise to create the vaccine and the roll out plan. Fauci and Birx lied throughout, lied to Pence and Trump and We The People. Trump was told by all involved that all was good, they had a working vaccine. Trump fired Birx after catching her in lies before the end of his term, had planned to fire Fauci at the beginning of his 2nd term. Trump never told people to take the vaccine, he said he would make sure it was available to anyone who wanted it.

By accelerating the vaccine development, he threw the DS timetable into disarray. They planned to keep us locked down for years, destroying lives and businesses before making a vax available. They had to end the lock downs when the vax became available.

"But Trump accelerated the vax development skipping key testing and the vax kills people as result, Trump's Fault!" No. He was told the testing that was done proved vaxx safety, he was told lies. The vaxx was never going to be a cure, it was designed by the DS players to be a poison and passed off as a vax to eager recipients fearful of Covid. Trump accelerating the development did not change the efficacy of the vax, the DS intended to create a poison regardless.

There's more, but I think these facts are enough to show Trump is quite innocent of blame. In fact, by accelerating the "cure", he disrupted the DS plan by evaded years of lockdowns and potentially saved many millions of lives and livelihoods.

[–] 0 pt 1y

There might be truth to what you say. But even if Trump was honest, that leaves us with 2 options:

1- He is controlled oposition, in the pockets of the cabal. In wich case he knew and went along. 2- He was fooled by Big Pharma, wich would leave us to conclude, that "even" as he knew corruption goes deep, claimed to "Drain the swamp" wich he did not, he was not smart enough to figure he was being played, at the cost of millios of lives.

Second option is better but not by much my friend! In any case the people got screwed under his watch!

[–] 0 pt 1y

BigPharma, ClubMed, Multinational Corporations, Fauci, Birx, CDC, NIH, WHO, etc. etc. all lied in lockstep to Pence, Trump and the American people. You can't hold Trump responsible for not being on top of that when he assigned Pence to oversee operation warpspeed and report back to him. Trump was still busy with Making America Great Again (rebuilding the economy after it was trashed by covid lockdowns) and fighting off Peachmint2.0 along with all the other bullshit being thrown at him while running his presidential campaign in 2020. Trump is but one amazing person, however a POTUS is dependent upon the people around him to do their jobs.