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[–] 5 pts 2y

I'm stuck at the car dealership while my car is serviced... the MSM (in Australia) is frothing at the mouth about "Trump found Guilty!!!". Fucking moron normies will believe it too.

Meanwhile, FTX launders millions (if not billions) through Ukraine to the DNC through fraud and the MSM is worse than silent on this.

[–] 3 pts 2y

See? Forget Clinton, Biden, Soros, Epstien, Obama, Isreal and the rest of the cabal, trump is the traitor who destroyed out government!

[–] 1 pt 2y

This may not be it, but they are going to make it so Trump can't even run. Then they are going to run Desantis. I've been calling this for at least 6 months. That's why it's vital to absolutely trash Desantis and make him unrunable before they even martyr Trump.

The Uniparty loses their golden cow they might have to abort and run Trump.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Yeah, this one was against Trump's corporations, not Trump personally. IIRC there are 5 other Trump court cases ongoing.

I would not be surprised if Trump and DeSantis are working together, throwing nothingburgers at each other to create the illusion of a void between them so the UniParty sleepers show themselves and come out in support of DeSantis. Time will tell. I wouldn't purposefully tarnish DeSantis in case he is undercover MAGA coordinating with Trump, I think he could be a good POTUS after Trump's next term where Trump breaks the DS monopoly for all future POTUS. Trump is a true brawler, DeSantis can govern but no one can fight like Trump.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Jesus christ keep your retarded hopium in qtard land where it belongs.

[–] 0 pt 2y

This is the best Pro Trump vs Desantis cast at the moment -


And probably why they are attacking Nick at the moment. And probably why he got to meet Trump.

[–] 0 pt 2y

And probably why they are attacking Nick at the moment. And probably why he got to meet Trump.

My opinion, fwiw, was the Fuentes dinner was a set up for MSM to tie Trump with Fuentes in an attempt to fracture MAGA and tarnish Trump. Like clockwork, the MSM immediately tried to blow it up, UniParty condemned Trump for it. I'm not a fan of Fuentes.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Appalling. Trump cant determine the value of his properties, that's done by appraisers

[–] 1 pt 2y

This case was about fringe bennies for company execs.

  • The jury has found Donald Trump’s real-estate company criminally liable for its executives’ tax fraud.
  • To acquit, jurors needed to believe that Trump’s two top financial executives testified truthfully.
  • The Trump Org. faces up to $1.6 million in penalties and felony status.