They'll be abolished right after they abolish all those toll roads they told us they'd stop tolling on once the construction was paid off.
The TSA is fucking useless and is basically free jobs for niggers that can't be employed anywhere else.
This isn't good. (((Corporations))) are what the jews use to gain more intrusive reach, spying and rights violations when it would look bad for the (((government))) to do it. Don't be surprised when the contracts for airport security get awarded to (((corporations))) like Serco, BAE, CACI, Triad NatSec or some new corp created by (((elon musk))). We'll go from "take your shoes and belt off" to "we need your DNA and a full-body scan" if you want to fly.
Fuck this shit. Don't follow these judas goats to your slaughter.
You make a good point. When I started flying there was no TSA. No problems either. But the white population of the US was a lot higher. Now I don’t mind the TSA as much as I used to because I know there would be big problems on planes.
You make a good point. When I started flying there was no TSA. No problems either. But the white population of the US was a lot higher. Now I don’t mind the TSA as much as I used to because I know there would be big problems on planes.
Now I don’t mind the TSA as much as I used to because I know there would be big problems on planes.
You traded freedom for (((security))). This is how the jews get you to accept the (((new normal))). They win while we lose.
airline industry would move towards a model of privatisation of security
Ah. Found the catch. Yes, as article points out TSA is fucking useless; only use is to make travel feel worse. But if you think "it can't get worse" oh boy it can, and in ways you might not imagine.
Stupid fucking idea.
Hey guys, let's replace a federal mall cop bureaucracy that's useless for corruption with a private one that is target fucking rich for corruption. lol Come on guys! Let's steal more money !!1!
Instead of this scheme-y shitshow, here's a crazy fucking plan:
- Use standard metal detector stuff with on-site airport employees.
- Freely and easily ban from air travel any miscreant nigger who tries to fuck around at an airport.
Done. No political nigger-mouthed complications involved.
Bureaucrats and politicians love complication.
Everything old is new again. Private security was the model employed prior to the TSA takeover.