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I've noticed a sex-based pattern in how this word is used. Men rarely use this word, and every time I've heard a man use it he means either "healer in a video game" or "piece of metal that holds things together". Either is completely unambiguous.

Every time I've heard another woman use this word, it's one of two things:

1) Blind agreeance with feelings. "My opinion is X, you disagree, why arent you aren't supporting me?"

2) Solve my problems by magically helicoptering unlimited resources upon them. "I got knocked up by T-Rash and am having a difficult pregnancy, society needs to support meeeee"

Now I know I'm weird from growing up around a bunch of half autistic engineers where if you needed anything you had to be literal in your language. You could say "I need my brake pads replaced" was something you could say, as was "I need $X for Y thing" buy if I said I needed "support" the entire extended family would have looked at me like I just told them I needed blinker fluid. Because it doesnt mean anything discrete or rational.

Am I the only one who thinks "Are you functionally retarded?" when I hear this word? Is there some female sub-culture I'm not part of where you can use "support" to mean some feels-over-reals nonsense and not immediately be called a retard?

I've noticed a sex-based pattern in how this word is used. Men rarely use this word, and every time I've heard a man use it he means either "healer in a video game" or "piece of metal that holds things together". Either is completely unambiguous. Every time I've heard another woman use this word, it's one of two things: 1) Blind agreeance with feelings. "My opinion is X, you disagree, why arent you aren't supporting me?" 2) Solve my problems by magically helicoptering unlimited resources upon them. "I got knocked up by T-Rash and am having a difficult pregnancy, society needs to support meeeee" Now I know I'm weird from growing up around a bunch of half autistic engineers where if you needed anything you had to be literal in your language. You could say "I need my brake pads replaced" was something you could say, as was "I need $X for Y thing" buy if I said I needed "support" the entire extended family would have looked at me like I just told them I needed blinker fluid. Because it doesnt mean anything discrete or rational. Am I the only one who thinks "Are you functionally retarded?" when I hear this word? Is there some female sub-culture I'm not part of where you can use "support" to mean some feels-over-reals nonsense and not immediately be called a retard?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 8mo

Most supplements claim to “support” bodily functions. Does it improve the function? Does it correct a problem? If it did, wouldn’t it claim the improvement or correction? If it a totally meaningless word when misapplied.

[–] 1 pt 8mo

Then they would have the FDA up their ass. Millions upon millions and years spent through bureaucracy so they simply don't have to say:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

It only makes sense to play the jew lawyer speak game and call it a supplement that helps support a healthy "X". Yet another instance where government and jews fuck shit up.