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For women who have observed the unhappy zero-sum battle of the sexes, many feel that the modern world, for all its promises, has failed them.

[Source.](https://thefederalist.com/2024/01/11/why-gen-z-is-ditching-the-girlboss-for-the-tradwife/) > For women who have observed the unhappy zero-sum battle of the sexes, many feel that the modern world, for all its promises, has failed them.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 1y

It makes sense. Being a girlboss sucks for most women because on average:

1) Women are lower in trait industriousness than men. They don't want to work 60 hours a week like the male executive.

2) Women are hypergamous. The marginal value of earning more money is significantly higher for a man who marries a secretary than a girlboss who marries an equally high earning man. You can only cook dinner on one marble countertop, and two high earners hit that point rapidly.

3) Women are more interested in people than things. This makes children more appealing than making a 1% improvement in widget production.

4) Girlbosses are heavily subsidized by female youth and beauty. Congrats, you leveraged that until 40 or so...now what are you going to do for the next 40 years? Tradwives have children and grandchildren to fill that 40 year void.