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[–] 5 pts 2y

All those ideas are based on letting the jews win and forcing Whites into exile and subsistence living. That's not the way we need to go. We need to do what Whites have always done- conquer our enemies. Bug out bags, foraging and living off the land is some romantic idea that is being (((promoted))) like it's the best way to defeat our enemies. Why would we want to give in and let the jews force us into that when we can crush them and reclaim our advanced White nations? Fuck this going backwards bullshit. Whites didn't conquer our way into the New World only to give it up and live in the fucking forests on berries and squirrels. Once unto the breach again instead of turning tail to hide in the wilderness.

[–] 1 pt 2y

How is this "traditional"?

Each one of these images should be a split screen with the man doing the thing in one half and the woman performing her role in the other.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Don’t forget fed posting