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[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y (edited 2y)

oooOOOOOH dont get ME STARTED. I shed my feminist skin for the more favorable traditional wife roll and everyone EVERYONE is telling me i have to fill bottles up so my fiance can nurse our baby for me. they say i need to take better care of myself and not work so hard, even though this job title is far more favorable than being a professional welder.

they say i need to fill the fridge with bottles in case of emergency. If theres an emergency so big i cant nurse my baby, we've got bigger problems on our hands and my fiance and roomates can figure out how to feed our baby pretty easily because theyre intelligent capable men.

They tell me my fiance isnt doing enough for the baby, and one of their main talking points is he isnt NURSING the BABY. HOLY SHIT, do they not understand how pathways in the brain develop as a baby? God my feminist family has no chill, plus most people in passing. whats so wrong about ME NURSING a baby! my fiance helps feed the baby when it comes to solid foods just fine but i GUESS thats not ENOUGH for some people.


[–] 1 pt 2y

Your extended family belong in an oven.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y (edited 2y)

my extended family are my roomates, and theyre on board with the trad wife thing because i make coffee and dinner every day for my fiance, baby and them. my immidiate family are the ones hounding me to pump milk like a cow

edit: im in a household of best friends and theyre all guys. we're working as a team to make a better future for the USA. My job is to make sammiches, keep the house clean, and to keep my man and baby happy. i quite like it. my immediate family doesnt agree

[–] 0 pt 2y

Oh, my mistake.

Your immediate family are the ones in need of evening then.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Damn son just spit real shit why dontcha

[–] 0 pt 2y

having your boyfriend try and suck baby milk out of his pierced soyfed man titties, while you squat over a toilet on onlyfans bedecked with a ukrainian flag, in order to pay strangers to genitally mutilate your baby, is peak feminism.

[+] [deleted] -2 pt 2y