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[–] 5 pts

Fat fucks went to a gym for the first time in their life Not to work out and stop being fat But to make the gym conform to their life style by putting up "fat acceptance" propoganda Also a few of the land whales were hoping the fit guys would want to give them their phone numbers for whatever unholy reason Probably hoping that the fitbros would be possessed by the gluttony demons living in their fat rolls to make such stupid life choices The fitbros allegedly start making fun of them and wondering if they could bench press a ham planet Then, allegedly, the fitbros touch the sweaty doughballs and carried them out the door, sometimes for over a mile The human meatballs then had to call emergency services to carry them back because they were so damn fat they couldn't walk a mile even if it took them an hour or two

Fuck, I'm not remotely the fittest guy around, and I have scabs and sores and open cracks in my feet that bleed from terrible psoriasis that I've had since my early teens, but if I have to walk I'll fucking walk even if it lays me up for a day or so.

Fuck these entitled shits. I wish I could walk without pain or go anywhere without hobbling and having to pick sock fibers out of the sores on my feet afterwards. If my medical problems cleared up tomorrow, I'd go for a long walk in nature like I enjoyed when I was a lad.

[–] 1 pt

Have you tried Ivermectin for your problem?

[–] 1 pt

No, I haven't. Would it even work for a skin condition?

[–] 2 pts

It comes in an ointment form. I've read that psoriasis is often cause by parasites.

There is some mention of it here: https://archive.org/details/parasite-pill-2.0/mode/1up

[–] 2 pts

Imervercien works for all kinds of skin issues, in addition to fungal, and viral human parasites.

Once I started taking the shit as a coronavirus prophylactic, a bunch of random "normal" nortic adult skin issues I had for decades went away.