People always look for new events that they can tie back to their existing theories Like they might have freaked out about 5G because it's all magic pixies, then scary Covid appears, so in their heads scary Covid was caused by scary 5G. Same with depopulation, nobody is really dying en-masse from vaccines, but they want to tie it back to their stupid chemtrail ideas about depopulation.
It just seems to me that there are better and more efficient ways to control populations
yes, just put whatever 5G nanobot magnetic mind control gay frog chemical you like into doughnuts. Job done, get a NWO by Wednesday at the latest...
but nooooo, it HAS to be part of some plane flying overhead or in some vaccine or beamed out from some HARRP station or whatever, it's all fucking retarded...
Viruses happen, humans develop a vaccine in a rush, vaccine has a small number of shitty side effects because they always do, paranoid 'tards on bitchute have a great time with all the slavering attention they are getting because all politicians have a financial incentive in getting all the plebs vaccinated so they can all get back to work and make money. This was Trumps entire motivation and it's still Biden's motivation. Go back to work.
Biden is just fucking it up by pushing for $3B in Leftist pork on the back of it, so now all the Right 'tards refuse to play bal because they think there is some ulterior motive. If Trump was Pres, he'd still be telling you all to get vaccinated and get back to work.
His entire hesitation about masks was because he didn't want you to stop working out of fear and ruin his numbers, it was fuck all to do with the idea of a hoax, but that's how the Right interpreted it and Trump didn't see that one coming.
Thanks for the response. Now explain the stolen election please.
I also expected Trump to win, but only by a very small margin. Therefore it's entirely possible that 51% voted against Orange Man Bad.
On the plus side, a shitty Leftist president that everyone hates is priceless. It's kept the Left out of power for years in the UK, because everyone remembers the 70's
It’s not like it’s made much of a difference in the UK’s case. They’re arguably worse off than the US.
(post is archived)