Lest not forget with knowledge comes sorrow. It is eye opening but also horrific to the point that you will never run out of material. Your post is spot on and to be honest.. I am so torn inside to the point that I can't watch the videos of what they do to our people and can really only read the headlines. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.
I am so torn inside to the point that I can't watch the videos
Yeah, it stays with you.
Cannon Hinnants death replays in my dreams sometimes so I know first hand.
That was so awful. The worst part is how they slap on the wrist the people that do this or don't charge it as a hate crime.
That was so awful. The worst part is how they slap on the wrist the people that do this or don't charge it as a hate crime.
The FBI were involved in that murder in particular. There were witness reports of two lawyers with guns who met Sassoms the day before it happened. And then...nothing. Total blackout on that information.
They pressured him to kill Hinnant.
And I want to make this tidbit as public as possible, get as many people asking about it as possible.
The federal officers that were involved in that killing should be sweating. I want their fucking faces plastered on the news until we know the truth.
The thing that really sticks out about cannon Hinnant is the fact that the next day his mother was on the news explaining that cannon wasn’t racist. She literally felt the need to explain that her dead son who just got shot point blank by a dindu, wasn’t racist.
That showed me how deep the conditioning goes. Her son is dead and she’s still riddled with white guilt.
The thing that really sticks out about cannon Hinnant is the fact that the next day his mother was on the news explaining that cannon wasn’t racist.
I don't remember that. It may be because I stopped reading any news about it almost immediately after because every time I did I had flashes where I was just fight or flight the rest of the day.
Yeah. I can't watch the videos anymore. It makes my blood boil so much, I literally have to talkyself out of going to the hood and and start shooting every fucker in a hoodie.
He who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow...
Interestingly enough, listening to a conference right now. "Rejoice" has been the topic through the week.
Been listening to sermons in the morning during my commute. This world is in a tail spin. What makes this different than any other time in history is that it's world wide , it's persecution of Christianity and the family. It's to separate the goats from the sheep but in this world. Remember God fights for us. Faith is essential as is the armor of God.
I always make a point to listen to something during the day. Good to know that other users do this as well.
(post is archived)